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Primary mentor

Unlicensed user

Backup mentor

Unlicensed user

Assigned to

Unlicensed user


    • Managerial level user can view integrity records and assign results of records to low level users to follow up and fix integrity violations associated with each records.
    • Managerial level user can remove assginees from assigned records
    • Managerial level user can comment on particular record and can change the current working stage of a particular record
    • Managerial level user can view record wise summary and also whole check wise summary
    • Managerial level user can add and edit workflow stages and keys associated with integrity checks
    • Follow up user can view set of assigned records to him
    • Follow up user can comment on a particular record and change the current workflow stage of a record

System Views


Module is consist of several views to achieve the required functions mention in above, In following sections will contains the set of functions associate with each view and how it can be use


for achieve the required functionalists.

Administrative links for manager


These are the set of views in the module which provide the required functionality specified in the module.


Final evaluation demonstration


Widget Connector
