- Drug (formulation)
- Dosing type
- Instructions corresponding to dosing type
- Simple: dose, dose units, route, frequency
- Free text:
- For outpatient care setting: quantity, quantity units, and number of refills (not required for inpatient drug orders)
Other Validation Rules
- Previous order field is required for discontinuation orders
- For discontinuation orders, concept and its previous order's concept must be the same
- The dateStopped of a previous order should be the same as the start date of the revised or discontinued order
- An order can't have both dataStopped and autoExpireDate
- Cannot order retired orderables e.g retired drugs or concepts? Problem here when it is retrospective data entry
- Unit concepts(quantity, duration and dose units) should be of units concept class
- Frequency concepts should be of frequency concept class
Not sure how all this will work with retrospective data entry of orders
Extensible Validation
Ultimately, implementations will need to be able to introduce their own business rules for order validation. Some examples of common business rules:
In order to accommodate implementation-specific business rules that may vary based on context, OpenMRS should implement some basic "out-of-the-box" business rules in a manner that can be adapted by implementations. A validator chain would invoke 1-to-N order validators, passing the current order along with the ordering context (Encounter, CareSetting, Orderer, User) and collect a list of validation errors that could be passed back to the user.
Other Validation Rules