What this module does
- Download the latest version of the module from the OpenMRS module repository and add it to your OpenMRS application using the Administration->Manage Modules page
- Go to Administration->Manage Settings >Settings (formerly global properties 1.8 and below) and configure the hr.Centric property to be "post" if the module has to follow post-centric approach or "person" if it has to follow a person-centric approach.Default value is set to "post".
- You are done!
Go to Administration->Manage Settings >Settings (formerly global properties 1.8 and below)
Select a name for the new job title and add the cadre and description along with the isco code for the job title.Isco codes are International Classification Of Occupations.A job title selected from the list of job titles can be edited from this page.
Manage Posts
Go to Administration->Manage Posts
It is a list of available posts.A post is an authorization to employ someone with a specified job title at a specified location,can be open, filled or closed (no longer authorized).The two check-boxes include non-current posts and select all locations enable the user to include in the list closed and unapproved posts and select all location apart from the HR Managed locations.
In order to create a new post click on Add New Post
Add a previous assignment:
If there are previous posts for this staff,one can add assignments to the previous posts by clicking the Add a previous assignment button.
Release Notes
version 0.9 released
This module was developed during GSOC Summer of Code 2011 by Sai Manohar under the mentorship of Daniel Futterman, Roger Friedman and Carl Leitner..