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The aim of this project is to produce CDA documents from OpenMRS data objects on the user's requests.The Clinical Document Architecture(CDA) is a xml based standard for exchange of health information records, it is means to ensure interoperability.we have used MDHT API to produce CDA Documents.


  1. What types of CDA Documents or Messages are currently supported by the CDA Generator module
  2. How users can extend on CDA Generator module
  3. How we are populating sections of APHP CDA Message
  4. Installation of the Module
  5. Few Enhancements
  6. Screenshots
  7. Quick Demo

What types of CDA Documents or Messages are currently generated by the CDA Generator module ?

This release of module only generate APHP CDA Document type. However, developers are free to write up new CDA documents or message ,which can be added to the module. There are many type of CDA documents (APHP, APS, APL,APE, e.t.c) many people refer it as IHE Profiles.


How users can extend on CDA Generator module?

Users can extend module by adding new CDA document Type or Editing existing one. Each CDA document consist of few sections and users can also add new sections to the module or Edit existing ones.The Editing/Adding/Deleting of Sections and CDA document types can be done programmatically through code not the User Interface.


Code Block
titleCode showing how New Section Class Must look like
package org.openmrs.module.CDAGenerator.SectionHandlers;
public class MySection extends BaseCdaSectionHandler

public ChiefComplaintSection()
    this.sectionName="My Section";
    this.templateid="";//ihe specific id
    this.sectionDescription="This is my new section";
    this.code="";//Ihe specific code for section


Similarly one can edit or delete any Sections or CDA document type.






How we are populating sections of APHP CDA Message

To be updated

Installation of the Module

To be updated

Few Enhancements

To be updated


1) When module is loaded Administration tab looks like this





Quick Demo

here is youtube video link of demonstration part :



Widget Connector

