- fork our module from gitub here
- open "CDAGenerator-api"folder
- In src/main/java package try to locate "org.openmrs.module.CDAGenerator.CDAHandlers" package
- Now in this "org.openmrs.module.CDAGenerator.CDAHandlers" package, Create class for new CDA Document Type you need and Note that this class must extend BaseCdaTypeHandler class.
- Add details about documents either using setter methods or adding in constructor. Thats it and new CDA document type is ready!
- fork our module from gitub here
- open "CDAGenerator-api"folder
- In src/main/java package try to locate "org.openmrs.module.CDAGenerator.SectionHandlers" package
- Now in this "org.openmrs.module.CDAGenerator.SectionHandlers" package, Create class for new section you need and Note that this class must extend BaseCdaSectionHandler class.
- Add details about section either using setter methods or adding in constructor. Thats it and new Section is ready!
How we are populating sections of APHP CDA Message
We we are using used OpenMRS Concept Dictionary to Populate APHP CDA message section with answers.We we used IHE APHP Document value sets which list out specific concepts that must be used for specific sections. we are updating OpenMRS Concept dictionary with LOINC codes,SNOMED codes and new concept our module needs.
Installation of the Module
To be updated
Potential Improvements
We can Add/Edit/Delete a CDA Documents and Sections Programmatically but not though UI.
Create clients to consume CDAs by hitting a REST Web Service with a patient identifier and cda document type to download their CDA instead of user downloading through administrative tab.
We are using gazelle as a external validator in addition to mdht cda validation code in our module. I’m manually using GUI gazelle validator provides to check our cda documents. So, Instead of this we should call gazelle validator via a web service from our module.
1) When module is loaded Administration tab looks like this