Some elements of Lucene do not work as expected because Modulus changes some strings, to include wildcards. Forcing complex: true in Modulus-UI enables you to use these features.
Fuzzy searching: Lucene's fuzzy searching allows you to to match strings similar to the specified one. forms~
matches matches forms and form.
Specifying fields and wildwards: name:s*tion
shows any module whose name starts with s and ends with tion (serialization, syncronization).
[GCI-27] Richard Szczerba
Initial: When searching for "report" we recive the Reporting module as the last one:
- Firstly, I sorted by the amount of downloads each module had:
2. The Reporting Module still apperead at the end because the deafult sorting order is "asc" (smallest -> largest) and I changed it to "desc" (largest -> smallest):
The Module bubbled right up to the top. However when using wildcards, like ?, XForms was number one:
3. This was because we were searching the description as well. By disabling the description we got: