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title2014 Internship Project

This project is being considered as a potential project for 2014 Internships. If you are a potential intern and are interested in working on this project, please discuss it in detail with the mentor(s) listed here before submitting your internship proposal.

Primary mentor


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OpenMRS SDK is a tool, which helps a developer to create a module and run it in OpenMRS in a few minutes. We would like to make it work with OpenMRS 2.0. This includes modifying multiple modules that are bundled with OpenMRS 2.0 to make them compatible with SDK. We would also like to add support for instant redeployment and debugging.

Project Champions


  1. Replace sqldiff with liquibase changesets in bundled modules. See e.g.
  2. Make 'omrs-run -v 2.0' start OpenMRS 2.0 with all bundled modules
  3. Verify if modules bundled with OpenMRS 2.0 work properly on SDK and apply fixes if needed
  4. Add debug mode: omrs-debug
  5. Add hot redeployment for Add 'omrs setup servername 2.1 --db.type=mysql --db.url=localhost:3131 --db.user=admin --db.password=Admin123" to setup OpenMRS 2.1 with all bundled modules against external MySQL
  6. Add 'omrs run servername' to run previously configured instance of OpenMRS.
  7. Add debug mode 'omrs debug servername' so that it is possible to connect to the running instance from any IDE.
  8. Add 'omrs upgrade servername 2.2-SNAPSHOT' so that it is possible to upgrade OpenMRS and all bundled modules to the given version or latest development version.
  9. Add 'omrs module-install servername org.openmrs.module.metadatasharing:latest' to install a new module into the given instance of OpenMRS.
  10. Add 'omrs module-uninstall servername org.openmrs.module.metadatasharing'
  11. Add 'omrs reset servername' to reset the given instance of OpenMRS (clear database and application directory).
  12. Add 'omrs module-debug-on servername' to configure the module for hot redeployment of UI classes and resources. See Development Mode at Using the UI Framework in Your Module.
  13. Add 'omrs module-debug-off servername' to disable hot redeployment.
  14. Document new features and create a screencast for youtube

    Extra credits: 
  15. Replace sqldiff with liquibase changesets in bundled modules. See e.g.
  16. Make any further improvements to enhance developer experience with OpenMRS 2.0x


  1. OpenMRS SDK
  2. GSoC 2013 project: OpenMRS SDK