Panel |
panelIconId | 1f308 |
panelIcon | :rainbow: |
panelIconText | 🌈 |
bgColor | #E3FCEF |
| Better Care through Better Information. Stronger digital health ecosystems in countries. |
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| Improve healthcare for millions of people in challenging environments around the world, by empowering Healthcare Workers with the tools they need out-of-the-box. |
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panelIconId | 31-20e3 |
panelIcon | :one: |
panelIconText | 1️⃣ |
bgColor | #E6FCFF |
| 🎁 Ready for Implementers to scale their work. (Stable) |
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title | Value for Implementers |
| 📋 Feature-rich EMR for Outpatient management. 🏃 Easier deployment. Set-up wizard to get you started; tooling to make life easier when you scale. 📊 Sample Reports & some Clinician-friendly Data Viz 🏥 Facility-Wide. Growing into Inpatient care. Prioritizing integrations with non-EMR care areas, like Labs, Pharmacy, Inventory, and Billing/Insurance. ✅ Tested, Trusted Releases. Rapidly see your bug-fixes & new features in global releases. Mandatory test coverage; test automation in PRs and pipelines; regular release cadence with clear notes and stable versions #'s.
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panelIconId | 32-20e3 |
panelIcon | :two: |
panelIconText | 2️⃣ |
bgColor | #E6FCFF |
| 🧑⚖️ Ready for eHealth Leadership. (Scaleable) |
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title | Value for eHealth Leaders |
| 🏛️ Aligned with Government eHealth Leaders' initiatives (eg HIE, UHC, charge-capture) ☁️ Cloud-Friendly. Without leaving last-mile sites behind. 🔒 Invest in Security. (Secure) 🔥 Invest in Standards, like FHIR.
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panelIconId | 33-20e3 |
panelIcon | :three: |
panelIconText | 3️⃣ |
bgColor | #E6FCFF |
| 🤝 We Build Together. More ready & responsive than ever. (Sustainable) |
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title | Value as a Global Community |
| Squads. Work mainly happens through Squads, with Global Support Team support as-needed. 📖 Docs, 🎓 Academy. Documentation is mission-critical to working together and growing our community. Vibrant Community: Events and local networks. In-person and virtual connection opportunities. Build local/regional communities. Dedicated Mentorship Time. We mentor change agents.
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panelIconId | 34-20e3 |
panelIcon | :four: |
panelIconText | 4️⃣ |
bgColor | #E6FCFF |
| Flexible Content for Whole-Patient care. (Scaleable) |
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title | Value for Patient-Centered Care |
| 🩺 Ready-to-Go Content. ✏️ Non-Dev Friendly Content tooling. Form building, clinical terminology management, content sharing. Increase what can be done where there’s not as much dev support available. 🛑 Decision Support that optimizes for pt safety. 🈶 In Many Languages. Scale through Translation, a translator community.