Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Ability to reference existing schemas

  • Ability to validate fields using JavaScript expressions

  • Ability to render fields conditionally

  • Ability to perform calculations in fields using calculateExpressions

  • Ability to reuse data submitted in previous encounters using historicalExpressions

  • Ability to request lab orders via forms

  • Ability to define expression helpers for use in calculations and conditional logic

  • Ability to load locale-specific form labels from the backend

  • Ability to inject data from external data sources

  • Ability to provide contextual information or guidance when hovering over or interacting with interface elements (Tooltip).

  • Ability to grey out all options if a particular option is selected.

  • Ability to render default answer sets, if a question concept lacks a provided list of answers and is categorized as "question" type.

  • Ability to create an identifier of a given type for the patient upon encounter submission if a question in the form schema is of type patient identifier.

  • Ability to register patients offline

  • Support for type control

  • Support for "doesNotMatchExpression" to aid developers in validating fields against regular expressions.

  • Support default values for encounter location, encounter Datetime and encounter provider

  • Ability to render select options directly from the concept setMembers ("select-concept-answers rendering")

  • Support for Conditional Required Validation

  • Support for Conditional Answer Options

  • Ability to render labels instead of UUIDs for multiCheckbox field answers

  • Ability to link concept representation with questions

  • Support for language internationalization (French, Khmer, and Spanish language translations)

  • Workspace promptBeforeClosing functionality to prompts users with a message/action before closing the workspace.

  • Styling for Required Fields in Form Submission

  • Red Asterisk Addition for Required Form Labels

  • Ability to launch workspace from form (e.g lab order or drug order)

  • Support for Using String Values in Markdown Inputs

  • Concept Representation Association Support for Questions

  • JSON Schema Import Capability for Form Builder

  • “DisallowDecimals” validator feature

  • Morisky Medication Adherence Scale Functionality

  • Conditional Disabling of multiCheckbox Options

  • Standard Schema Template


  • isEmpty

  • today

  • includes

  • isDateBefore

  • useFieldValue

  • calcBMI

  • calcEDD

  • calcBSA

  • calcHeightForAgeZscore

  • calcBMIForAgeZscore

  • calcWeightForHeightZscore

  • arrayContains

  • arrayContainsAny

  • calcMonthsOnART

  • calcAgeBasedOnDate

  • formatDate

  • calcGravida

  • calcTimeDifference

  • doesNotMatchExpression

  • hideWhenExpression

  • failsWhenExpression

  • historicalExpression