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Quick Access

Table of Contents

External Resources: 


  1. Link to the application:
  2. Login Credentials: Email and Password.
    1. If you would like access to CucumberStudio, share your email address


    1. via  and the login link will be sent to your email address.
  1. Key terms to note:



      1. Project:  Collection of test scripts related to an application/system. 
      2. Feature:  Functionality in a project / application/system.
      3. Scenario: A Sequence of steps that represents the behavior of the application as expected by the user.
      4. Action word: a sequence of steps that can be reused across multiple scenarios. E.g  Select book
      5. Test run: Collection of test cases you would like to run. 
      6. Feature file: This is a file where you will describe your tests in Descriptive language (Like English).
      7. Gherkin syntax keywords:
        1. Given: Describes the pre-requisite for the test to be executed.
        2. When: Defines the trigger point for any test scenario execution.
        3. Then: Holds the expected result for the test to be executed.
        4. And: Defines additional conditions of the test.

    CucumberStudio Login page

    1. The CucumberStudio Login page is as shown below:

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    Cucumberstudio homepage

    1. Upon successful login, the CumberStudio homepage is displayed as shown below. It shows a list of all available projects in an organization.

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    Creating a project

    1. Click on Create project link as shown above.
    2. On the dialog box displayed,  type in the preferred project name and select for it to be BDD friendly to add in the Gherkin syntax: Given,  When , then syntax.Image Modified
    3. The project dashboard below is displayed: 

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    Creating test cases

    1. Click on the Scenarios link and the page below is displayed:                                                                                                                                                        Image Modified
    2. Under the subfolders section, click on the create button.
    3. From the list of options displayed as shown below,  select create feature:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Image Modified
    4. A dialog box is displayed. Input the feature name e.g Login and click on create.
    5. The Feature name is displayed under the subfolder section as shown below:                                                                                                                                     Image Modified
    6. Click on the feature name to access the feature dashboard as shown below:                                                                                                                        Image Modified
    7. Under the Scenarios section click on create.
    8. A dialog box is displayed. Input the Scenario name e.g Successful Login and click on create.
    9. The scenario name is displayed under the scenarios section as shown below:                                                                                            Image Modified
    10. Click on the scenario name to access the Scenario page and the page there is a section named Test steps.
    11. On the add steps field displayed,  add the first action word to the scenario using the Gherkin syntax. Eg. Given the user is on the "login_page".
    12. Proceed to add the various steps until you have a complete scenario as shown below:                                                                                                                                 Image Modified

    Creating a Test Run

    1. Click on the Test Run link to access the test run dashboard as shown below:                                                                                                              Image Modified
    2. Click on add new button to create a test run.
    3. On the dialog box displayed select your preferred creation mode. In this select Include all test cases and input a test run name. Eg Sprint 1. Click on create.
    4. The test run is created and displayed on the active test run dashboard.
    5. Click on the test run name to access the test run environment.
    6. Click on resume testing to start the manual testing process.
    7. Update the results for each step and once done click on done as shown below:                                                                                                                                                   Image Modified
    8. Once done the test run environment is updated with the results of the test run as shown below:                                                      Image Modified

    Generating a feature file

    1. Click on the automation link.
    2. Select your preferred coding language from the list displayed below, eg cucumber Java                                                                                           Image Modified
    3. A zip file export is provided with a list of all feature files.