GSoC Program Administrators:
Please see GSoC Admin Guidelines for more information.
Potential project ideas for
Next Year
This is a dynamic list of available projects for GSoC, with community members adding projects as they come up on Talk. If you have a new project idea that you'd like to explore, please share via this Talk thread and add it here.
175 hours
OpenMRS is using the FHIR API more and more in place of the REST API. However, the FHIR API is, by default, quite verbose. Supporting PATCH operations would allow us to support partial updates to FHIR resources without needing to send the whole resource from the client to the server.
The main idea of this project is to implement this portion of the FHIR REST API in the FHIR2 module supporting: JSON Patch, XML Path, and, if time permits, FHIRPath Patch.
Some knowledge of FHIR would be useful
350 hours
The potential goals for this year could be (but are not limited to):
- Add more features from the reference application to the Android client which are as follows:
- 1.1) Add and schedule patient Appointments
- 1.2) Add the Vitals of a patient
- 1.3) Add and view Orders of a patient
- 1.4) Add and view Observations of a patient
2. Increase the test coverage of the app (due from previous GSoc Project)
3. Migrate remaining Java classes of the code to Kotlin
- Android
- Kotlin/Java
- Unit Testing
- Android Architecture
O3: User Onboarding
175 hours
Implement User Onboarding in the Test 3 and O3 demo environments, like these designs show. Introduce users to major features in a typical generic outpatient workflow.
Project Name & Outcome | Project Rating and Length | What this project is about | REQUIRED skills | Selected Student | Primary Mentor | Backup Mentor |
Migrating from OpenMRS ID to KeyCloak
- Potential sustainable ID system solution identified
- Proof of concept set up
- Roadmap for migrating users to the recommended OpenMRS ID system.
175 hours
Our current ID system is beyond its end of life and unstable. This leads to significant interruptions for OpenMRS projects prioritized by users. A new OpenMRS ID system will reduce service interruptions, reduce infrastructure volunteer workload, and eliminate security vulnerabilities.
We would like the user 'handle' to be shared across Jira, Confluence and Discourse. The new ID system should either be free for open source projects, or extremely cost-effective for the amount of users we have. We are open to hosting open source tools, using cloud projects, or using Atlassian ID directly as OpenID or similar.
Authentication and SSO
IT Strategy
O3: User Onboarding | Medium 175 hours | Implement User Onboarding in the Test 3 and O3 demo environments, like these designs show. Introduce users to major features in a typical generic outpatient workflow. | React | Dennis Kigen (Unlicensed) | ||
Next Generation Implementer Tools for OpenMRS 3 Redesigned config tools for O3 | Advanced 350 hours | Non-tech users can set up a 3.x EMR in a friendly, no-code UI, similar to designing a website. Empowers local team members to set up and config their EMR themselves. More detailed user stories and requirements documented here. Project plan documented here. Scope: technical work on the redesigned config tools for O3. *Design is done because Ampath/@jdick graciously contributed designs and user testing, sample designs, and @bistenes gave a lot of architectural and technical input but then had to set the project aside. | React Javascript Typescript | Vineet Sharma | Hadijah Kyampeire | |
Validating and re-working (updating) the OpenMRS PatientFlags module | Medium 175 hours | Patient Flags feature cannot be added to RefApp 3.x just because the supporting OpenMRS PatientFlags module has a number of loop-holes. Reference: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-patient-chart/pull/926#issuecomment-1419165955 | Java REST APIs | |||
O3: Search Patient Chart feature | Advanced 350 hours | E.g. search all of a particular patient chart for an item of interest, e.g. "IUD" or "COVID", to find if that term/situation has ever come up for this patient. We can likely leverage this past work: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-chartsearch Will need an API. | ||||
Program Timeline
Look at here for more info on the full GSoC 20232024 program timeline.
GSoC 2023 2024 preparationsStatus colour GreenBlue title finishedUP FRONT
January 23: Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to GoogleStatus colour GreenYellow title FINISHEDPENDING
February 7: Mentoring organization application deadlineStatus colour GreenYellow title finishedPENDING
February 22: List of accepted mentoring organizations announcedStatus colour GreenYellow title FINISHEDPENDING
February 22 - March 19: Potential GSoC contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organizationsStatus colour BlueYellow title ONGOINGPENDING
March 20: GSoC contributor application period beginsStatus colour GreyYellow title NEXTPENDING
April 4: GSoC contributor application deadlineStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
April 27: GSoC contributor proposal rankings due from Org AdminsStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
May 4: Accepted GSoC contributor projects announcedStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
May 4 - 28: Community Bonding Period. Students get to know mentors, read documentation, prepare for work on their projectsStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
May 29: Coding officially beginsStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
May 29 - August 21: Coding Period for Medium projectStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
May 29 - November 6: Coding Period for Advanced projectStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
July 10:Mentors and GSoC contributors can begin submitting midterm evaluationsStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
July 14: Midterm evaluation deadline (standard coding period)Status colour Yellow title PENDING
July 14 - August 21: Work Period | GSoC contributors work on their project with guidance from MentorsStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
August 21 - 28: Final week | GSoC contributors submit their final work product and their final mentor evaluation (coding period)Status colour Yellow title PENDING
August 28 - September 4: Mentors submit final GSoC contributor evaluations (standard coding period) for medium size project.Status colour Yellow title PENDING
September 5: Initial results of Google Summer of Code 2023 announcedStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
September 4 - November 6: GSoC contributors with extended timelines continue codingStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
November 6: Final date for all GSoC contributors to submit their final work product and final evaluationStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
November 13: Final date for mentors to submit evaluations for GSoC contributor projects with extended deadlinesStatus colour Yellow title PENDING
Student's guidelines
Mentor's guidelines
OpenMRS resources to know
GitHub: https://github.com/openmrs
Talk Forum: https://talk.openmrs.org
Help Desk: https://help.openmrs.org
Issue Tracker (JIRA): https://issues.openmrs.org
Wiki: https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet