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26 January 2012

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  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
  • Infrastructure Update (10min)
  • 1.10 Discussion (30 min)
  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)

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  • You


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Developers Forum 2012-02-02
  • Michael Downey
  • Win Ribeka
  • Lauren Stanleisnicnicnich
  • Wyclif Luyima **(happy birthday)**
  • Paul Biondich
  • Shaun Grannis
  • Ada Yeung
  • Burke Mamlin
  • Dawn Smith
  • Darius Jazayeri
  • Rafa? Korytkowski
  • Mark Goodrich
  • Jeremy Keiper
  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (10 min)
  • Infrastructure Update (10min)
  • 1.10: Narrow down the list from the previous week to decide the top 5 features for 1.10 - new features (35 min)
  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
  • Previous meeting & Outstanding TODOs
  • Describe new features of 1.9 for module authors and dev Nov 03, 2011
  • Flesh out prerequisites for being a release manager Nov 03, 2011
  • Add Jembi SDMX-HD library to Maven repository Jan 20, 2012
  • Infrastructure update
  • Upcoming changes to
  • We're updating the OpenMRS website, nothing dramatic in terms of content. There will be a new look and smaller changes to the content which are being modified now
  • Elliot Williams has a new release for the dashboard which will probably occur the same time as the updates
  • OpenMRS ID: Spring 2012
  • Individuals with emails were not able to re-set their password, so we changed this
  • Burke: When will this occur?
  • Michael: We'll launch it when we update the changes for the site, perhaps after the site 
  • Mailing lists: Spring 2012
  • We're moving from the listserv platform to Google Groups platform. You don't need a Google account to do this
  • Michael: There are some issues with the Google group API, and we need to do some re-coding 
  • 2012 Conference site coming soon: Early February 2012
  • Announcement will come out next week and an announcement on the Implementers Forum next week (2 Feb)
  • New approach to have the community to decide and vote where to have the meeting
  • Hosting partners
  • Moving with Indiana University for a longer relationship in the infrastructure hosting
  • We're still hosting with Oregon State's Open Source Lap (OSUOSL)
  • Need volunteer to help resolve performance testing
  • Need dev help for performance testing
  • Nexus update: New repository
  • We now have a Nexus repository for modules to publish artifacts. 
  • Burke: Do our maven scripts need to change?
  • Michael: It would probably be good to put mavenized modules into Nexus
  • TODO: Schedule a discussion of infrastructure needs and challenges
  • Update to the 1.10 new feature discussion
  • Ideas for 1.10 from last week:
  • Changes for a Hospital System
  • Documentation: Implementation Guide for OpenMRS in a hospital setting
  • Generating reporting used as Discharge Summaries in hospitals
  • TODO Figure out what pieces are missing that could reasonably be added? Discuss with the people doing hospital activities. e.g., Generate a specific list of what modules could be revised or repurposed. (Raxa/JSS project will present next week.)
  • Improve workflow for repetitive activities (fewer clicks) for specific functionality. UI in modules or core. 
  • TODO Ask a couple implementations to help determine what specific tasks are painful, repetitive, or troublesome, and create JIRA issues. 
  • HTML FormEntry
  • Better validation
  • Integrate with form schema
  • Broader range of tags
  • Sync improvement
  • Partial sync of patient records
  • Reporting
  • UI for supporting row-per-patient reports
  • Shareable reports
  • Improve roles & privileges
  • People feel they can't use roles & privileges effectively?
  • A tool to figure out which privileges are needed for a particular task
  • Document those privileges for common tasks (on the wiki)
  • Order Entry
  • Enhanced Drug ordering
  • Filter form list
  • By user's role
  • By attributes of the patient
  • etc.
  • To be discussed next time:
  • Household module – a distributed module?
  • UI Improvements
  • Make the UI across core & bundled modules consistent
  • Improved Mobile Solutions
  • Improved support for Community Health Workers (CHWs)
  • Alerting clinicians about abnormal results
  • Restricting access to patients and/or data by role/permissions
  • Auditing tools for knowing who saw patient data (e.g., distributing access logging module)
  • Patient Tracking
  • Notifying of similar concepts when creating a new concept
  • Improved Administrative Tools
  • Server status reporting/notification
  • Explanding on HL7 support (e.g., types of messages handled)
  • Exporting aggregate data (e.g., to SDMX-HD)
  • Improved Exporting tools
  • Enhance module management: TRUNK-3023, TRUNK-3025, TRUNK-3026, TRUNK-1598



  • Backchannel IRC transcript
  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting