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Please note the the Patient Summary Module is no longer being supported and doesn't work with the latest releases of OpenMRS. As a work-around you can see How to create a Patient Clinical Summary using Reporting Module. |
This module provides the ability for users to define their own, customized patient summaries. It provides a clean separation between the underlying data to present and the actual format of the resulting summary, enabling users to create several different output documents depending on the circumstance. For example, on output summary might be appropriate for a mobile device, another might be for display in-line on the patient dashboard, and yet another might be a printable PDF.
The patientsummary module version has undergone a major re-write in the 2.0 release line, and some of the initial requirements behind it can be found here. The Although this module continues to support the default patient summary provided by the 1.x release line of this module (available in svn under http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-modules/patientsummary/) contains very limited functionality that provides a single hard-coded HIV patient summary, mainly targeted at the PIH Rwanda Implementation. The 2.0 release is not intending to provide backwards-compatibility to the 1.0 version, but rather to provide the framework within which the 1.0 version can be re-defined using new configurable constructs. Stay tuned for more details on plans for merging these two versions over time, it is intended to be used more as a framework for developing custom patient summaries in the future. To enable the default patient summary for legacy users, you would need to set the global property named "patientsummary.enableDefaultSummary" to "true" (you would also need to configure a variety of other global properties to match your particular implementation's concepts and other metadata).
Getting Started
Building a Patient Summary in 3 simple steps
- Define the data points that you want to make available. You can utilize either Person-based or Patient-based data.
- Define a Patient Summary Report Definition containing the relevant data points
- Define a Patient Summary Template that defines how your patient summary should look
There are a couple of options:
Patient Summaries
While authoring text-based patient summaries, the primary way to view these would be by using the preview tab in the Patient Summary Template Editor. When these are ready for publishing, the primary way to do this is by enabling them on the patient dashboard, by toggling this on the Patient Summary Template Editor page. Togging them on or off changes the value of the global property "patientsummary.patientDashboardSummaries". You can configure the order of these summaries on the dashboard by changing the order in which they are listed in this global property. The first listed summary will load by default when the tab is clicked.
The following global property values may be configured as follows:
patientsummary.patientDashboardSummaries - This should be configured as a comma-separated list of uuids of any Patient Summary Templates that you wish to make available on the patient dashboard. The first listed summary will open by default, and any additional summaries will be available in a drop-down list to change to.
patientsummary.tabNameOrMessageCode - The label to be used for the patient summary tab on the patient dashboard, it can be a message code or plain text. This defaults to a message code named "patientsummary.patientSummariesTabDefaultMessageCode", which is configured to display "Patient Summaries" in English locales.
Reporting bugs and requesting new features
All new feature requests and bug reports can be raised in [JIRA|https://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/PS}.
Getting involved
If you wish to check out the source code and/or contribute, the code can be found in github (http:/github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-patientsummary)