Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Whenever she wants, Lynette the local admin can create a new form on her own machine/local installation, and can create several new concepts.
    • This functionality already exists. 
    • It's how Lynette usually does things for her own clinic
    • Therefore, we want the CPM to give Lynette the ability to send mulitple concepts she has already created, along with some information, within a single proposal.
      • This proposal will be sent to a dictionary manager. 
      • This dictionary may be the MVP who's manager is Andy or a different dictionary who would have a different dictionary.
        • Which dictionary this is, is determined by the CPM's settings (in scope).
  • We asked about changing the 'create new concept' flow to include a 'submit for review button'. This is not technically possible.
  • Forms can be in various formats, anything from HTML to MS Word. Lynette cannot always send her form to a dictionary manager with the proposal (and can only send a group of individual concepts), but it would be nice if she could add a screenshot or some other attachment.
  • As above, Lynette needs to be able to send her concept proposals to Andy Kanter, or to a dictionary manager of another hospital (this is often true of local admins within PIH).
    • We forgot to add this settings bit out of our screen flow thinking - need to do.


User Interface Changes & Notes

  • The Local Adminstrator (Lynette) and the Dictionary Manger (Dave) - either of the MVP or another hospitals' dictionary - will now both operate from dashboards that look similar to each other
- each person
  • .
  • Each persona/user type has 3 screen views:
    • a)
        • A dashboard showing all proposals
      ; b) [click to see] single proposal
        • A single proposal (which will be a link that opens it), where discussion happens
      ; c) [click to see]
        • about the proposal occurs.
        • A single concept within a proposal (which will be a link that opens it), which is identical to the current
      openMRS - some
      • Some changes will be made to the columns that each person sees on their 3 views
      - see photos- most
      • . See the photos below.
      • Most of the discussion between
      • Dave and
      • Lynette will happen on
      the b) view;
      • the View page. 
        • It would be nice to have inline comments back & forth, like in facebook, but this is probably something for v2.
      - lynette
      • Lynette can add comments to a single concept before submitting,
      • Dave can't
      - dave
      • . Dave will add his thoughts in the discussion section of the whole proposal
      - when lynette
      • When Lynette is on her dashboard
      and dave
      • (which displays the Proposals she has created) and Dave has done something new on one of her proposals (e.g. changed status, added notes), the proposal will look different somehow to notify her of this (
      bold? colour? icon? TBA); same is true for dave if lynette changes something- the
      • TBA, but e.g. bold, colour, icon, etc.). 
        • Same is true for Dave (who's Dashboard shows Proposals he has been sent) if Lynette changes something.
      • The status of a proposal can be:
      draft; submitted; in review; accepted; rejected- the
        • Draft
        • Submitted
        • In review
        • Accepted
        • Rejected
      • The status of a
      (proposed) concept
      • individual proposed concept (within in a Proposal) can be:
      nothing; in review; accepted; rejected
        • Nothing
        • In review
        • Accepted
        • Rejected [may need to discuss finer points of this]
      - dave
      • Dave can reject one or more concepts within a proposal, while accepting the proposal itself (and all the rest of the concepts within it)

    UI Notes

    Local Admin/Lynette's View
    - remove
    • Create New Proposal
      • Remove 'name' and 'email address' fields from
      • Lynette's view
    - they come from
      • (this information can be provided by her login)
    - 'new proposal
    • Dashboard
      • 'New Proposal' button up the top of the dashboard
    - lynette
    • Lynette cannot change the status of her proposal, except to change from 'draft' to 'submitted'


    Dictionary Manager/Dave's View
    • Dashbaord
        - almost
          • Almost the same as
          • Lynette's, but
          • Dave can't see drafts
        - dave
        • Dave can change the status of a
        • Proposal and the status of individual concepts within a
        • proposal.

      General Flow