- After
- you
- have
- finished
- configuring
- OpenMRS,
- RELOAD the
- application
- in
- Tomcat
- Manager.
- Open
- . You will see a login page. If you're using the OpenMRS standalone package, the page is at http://localhost:8080/openmrs
- -standalone .
- You will need to log in initially using the username and password you specified in Step 6 - Configuring OpenMRS, substep 4. If you did not specify a username and password, try the default username admin and password test (both are in lowercase).
- Alternatively, while Tomcat is running you can start OpenMRS by entering http://localhost:8080/openmrs/login.
- htm (assuming
- 8080
- is
- your
- port
- number
- for
- Tomcat
- ; insert
- the
- appropriate
- port
- number
- if
- it
- is
- not
- 8080). For OpenMRS standalone package, you can start OpenMRS by entering http://localhost:8080/openmrs-standalone/login.htm .