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An open-source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation, packaging together Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.


A software program that's designed to perform a specific function or set of functions directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program. OpenMRs is a system of web-based apps such as Clinic Dashboard, Patient Chart and Offline Tools. Each app has its own homepage, navigation structure, and multiple features related to a particular theme.


A data point about a patient that is used to describe them. Examples of person attributes include birthdate (which never changes) or marital status (which rarely changes).


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Central pane

Area of the UI where clinic data, patient data and patient lists can be visualized.


A doctor, nurse, or another clinical officer who provides health care to patients.


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The actual information recorded by users in OpenMRS. Examples of Data in OpenMRS are Patients, Encounters, and Observations. Data points are defined as concepts through the Concepts Dictionary. The main interface for data entry in OpenMRS is the Patient Chart.

Direct Web Remoting

Java open-source library to convert Java objects to Javascript and vice versa for AJAX.


A version of OpenMRS that is in use within an organization. For example, Ampath, KenyaEMR and OpenMRS Nigeria are all OpenMRS distributions, each within a different institution. Distributions can have varying levels of customization and adherence to the RefApp.

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A feature is a unit of functionality of an application that satisfies a requirement, represents a design decision, and provides a potential configuration option.

F/LOSS, FOSS, etc.

Free/libre and open-source software. Software is freely licensed to use, copy, change and distribute. OpenMRS is licensed under the OpenMRS Public License based on the Mozilla Public License. 


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Git Bash

Git Bash is an application that provides Git command line experience on the Operating System(windows)


A distributed version control system (DVCS) that allows multiple developers to work simultaneously on a project without the need for a common network connection. 


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Patient who is hospitalized in a healthcare facility. The opposite of Outpatient.


Someone who has or is in process of deploying OpenMRS in a specific location or context of use.


The process of business analysis, system customization, server installation and configuration, user training and continuous support for an OpenMRS distribution.

Implementer tools

A system management app with user-friendly interface that gives non-technical system administrators the ability to configure the front-end UI of the other apps (e.g. Outpatients, Pharmacy, Offline) without the need to code.


The application and study of information technology and its use for society.


A discipline of studying the use of informatics in the field of medical science.


Framework-agnostic section of the UI, often consisting of multiple components. A UI can have several microfrontends, and each of them can be managed by a different team and may be implemented using its own framework. Each microfrontend has its own package.json file, and its own build tool configuration. As a result, each microfrontend has an independent build process and an independent deploy / CI.


A software package that extends or changes OpenMRS functionality in specific ways. Modules have full access to the system and allow for the customization of OpenMRS. Most modules are developed by community members. 


A method of developing software where the source code is freely available for others to examine, use, and build upon. Also a type of software development community based around sharing of work and collaboration.


Patient who visits a clinic to get healthcare, but is not admitted into a hospital. The opposite of Inpatient.

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Package (pack)

A small set of features that exists within an app, and enable users to perform actions or view data in a different way. Packages can be designed, developed and added to apps. A particular distribution may also want to remove packages that come as default with the RefApp.


A computer system that is simple by design, and is intended to be customized and adapted for use in a wide variety of contexts.


A program of care which a patient can be enrolled in. A program consists of one or more workflows.


A clinician who is responsible for providing care to a patientIndividuals who provide healthcare to patients. Providers are the main users of OpenMRS. They can be physicians, lab technicians, nurses, receptionists, etc. All these different roles interact with patients on various points of a visit, using the Patient chart as their medium.

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Short for reference application is a state-of-the-art distribution of OpenMRS, designed and developed by our core team, which may serve as a solid base for new implementations. It is a combination of the frontend, backend and API of OpenMRS that is available for customization and configuration.


Paper form filled out during clinical visit/encounter. Data is copied from paper to an electronic system at a later time, usually by a different person in a different room or facility.


An OpenMRS user with permission to perform all management tasks in the application.


A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole. Within our context, OpenMRS itself is the system, composed of apps, that have multiple features.

System administrator

A person who is responsible for day-to-day maintenance of a computer system or network.


A series of tasks to accomplish a goal.


Panel that expands into the central pane, where patient data can be entered through forms, and actions (e.g. order medication, change patient priority, schedule visit) can be performed. When the workspace is open, all content from the central pane is still accessible.

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