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The UI Framework code is being transitioned to a module. Documentation will move to UI Framework.

(Prerequisite: 2.x UI Framework Step By Step Tutorial for Core Developers)

This guide will take you through the process of writing a Patient fragment, while following all best practices.

A "Patient fragment" is (obviously) a page fragment that displays data about a patient. While such fragments are typically displayed on a patient dashboard, our best practices will also allow these fragments to be used on pages that aggregate data for multiple patients.


Step 3: Including our patient fragment in standard pages

In the UI Framework tutorial, you created demonstration page to hold your fragments. Since we are now building real functionality, we want to include our fragment in the real user interface. Since the 2.x application is configurable and customizable, there is no single "patient dashboard" as in OpenMRS 1.x. Adding our fragment to the user interface actually means publishing it in the reference application's library of patient fragments, which are exposed as Extensions. To do this we need to add one line to the org.openmrs.ui2.webapp.extension.CoreExtensionFactory class:


Code Block
titleadd a fragment action for fetching patient's active identifiers
 * Controller for the PatientIdentifiers fragment.
 * Displays a table of PatientIdentifiers, and allow the user to add another (via a short popup form),
 * or delete one (with confirmation) as long as it isn't the last one.
public class PatientIdentifiersFragmentController {

	 * Controller method when the fragment is included on a page
	public void controller(PageModel sharedPageModel, FragmentConfiguration config, FragmentModel model) {
		model.addAttribute("patient", FragmentUtil.getPatient(sharedPageModel, config));

	 * Fragment Action for fetching list of active patient identifiers
	public ObjectResultObject getActiveIdentifiers(UiUtils ui,
	                                         @RequestParam("patientId") Patient patient) {
		return ObjectResultSimpleObject.buildfromCollection(ui, patient.getActiveIdentifiers(), ui,
			"patientIdentifierId", "identifierType", "identifier", "location");


In reality, we aren't going to have a "refresh" button. Rather we want our fragment to refresh automatically when told that the specific patient data it displays has been updated. (For a list of standardized messages people have already defined, see the style guide.)

In our patientIdentifiers fragment, we want to redraw ourselves on three different messages:

  • (OUR-FRAGMENT-ID).refresh (may be called by generic page decoration)
  • "patient/(id).changed" (the generic message that something unspecified about a patient has changed)
  • "patient/(id)/identifiers.changed" (the specific message that the patient's identifiers have changed)
    The latter two messages promise to include a "patient" javascript object as their message content, which always has a "patientId" property, and may have an "activeIdentifiers" property, but the generic refresh message won't provide us anything.

We add a bit of javascript to listen for these messages:

Code Block
titleRefresh on certain messages
    def id = ?: ui.randomId("patientIdentifiers")
    function refreshPatientIdentifierTable(divId, patientId) {
        jq('#' + divId + '_table > tbody').empty();
        jq.getJSON('${ ui.actionLink("getActiveIdentifiers", [returnFormat: "json"]) }', { patientId: patientId },
        function(data) {
            publish(divId + "", data);

    function refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id }(message, data) {
        if (data && data.activeIdentifiers)
            publish("${ id }", data.activeIdentifiers);
            refreshPatientIdentifierTable('${ id }', ${ patient.patientId });

    subscribe('${ id }.refresh', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });
    subscribe('patient/${ patient.patientId }.changed', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });
    subscribe('patient/${ patient.patientId }/identifiers.changed', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });

<div id="${ id }">
    <a href="javascript:publish('${ id }.refresh')">div id refresh</a>
    <a href="javascript:patientChanged(${ patient.patientId })">patient changed</a>
    <a href="javascript:patientChanged(${ patient.patientId }, 'identifiers')">identifiers changed</a>

    ${ ui.includeFragment("widgets/table", [
            id: id + "_table",
            columns: [
                [ property: "identifierType", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.type") ],
                [ property: "identifier", userEntered: true, heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifier") ],
                [ property: "location", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.location") ]
            rows: patient.activeIdentifiers,
            ifNoRowsMessage: ui.message("general.none")
        ]) }


We've also changed our temporary test link to test all three caescases. The first publishes a refresh message, the next two call a utility function defined in openmrs.js which publishes a patient changed message with the correct payload.) So at this point if you reload the page, and click on the three links, you will see the fragment update correctly.


Code Block
titlefragment view, now with add button
    def id = ?: ui.randomId("patientIdentifiers")
    function refreshPatientIdentifierTable(divId, patientId) {
        jq('#' + divId + '_table > tbody').empty();
        jq.getJSON('${ ui.actionLink("getActiveIdentifiers", [returnFormat: "json"]) }', { patientId: patientId },
        function(data) {
            publish(divId + "", data);

    function refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id }(message, data) {
        if (data && data.activeIdentifiers)
            publish("${ id }", data.activeIdentifiers);
            refreshPatientIdentifierTable('${ id }', ${ patient.patientId });

    subscribe('${ id }.refresh', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });
    subscribe('patient/${ patient.patientId }.changed', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });
    subscribe('patient/${ patient.patientId }/identifiers.changed', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });

<div id="${ id }">
    ${ ui.includeFragment("widgets/table", [
            id: id + "_table",
            columns: [
                [ property: "identifierType", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifierType") ],
                [ property: "identifier", userEntered: true, heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifier") ],
                [ property: "location", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.location") ]
            rows: patient.activeIdentifiers,
            ifNoRowsMessage: ui.message("general.none")
        ]) }

    ${ ui.includeFragment("widgets/popupForm",
            id: id + "_add",
            buttonLabel: ui.message("general.add"),
            popupTitle: ui.message("patientIdentifier.add"),
            fragment: "patientIdentifiers",
            action: "addIdentifier",
            submitLabel: ui.message(""),
            cancelLabel: ui.message("general.cancel"),
            fields: [
                [ hiddenInputName: "patientId", value: patient.patientId ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifierType"), formFieldName: "identifierType", class: org.openmrs.PatientIdentifierType ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifier"), formFieldName: "identifier", class: java.lang.String ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.location"), formFieldName: "location", class: org.openmrs.Location ]
        ]) }


Code Block
titlefragment view, now with delete button
    def id = ?: ui.randomId("patientIdentifiers")
    function refreshPatientIdentifierTable(divId, patientId) {
        jq('#' + divId + '_table > tbody').empty();
        jq.getJSON('${ ui.actionLink("getActiveIdentifiers", [returnFormat: "json"]) }', { patientId: patientId },
        function(data) {
            publish(divId + "", data);

    function refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id }(message, data) {
        if (data && data.activeIdentifiers)
            publish("${ id }", data.activeIdentifiers);
            refreshPatientIdentifierTable('${ id }', ${ patient.patientId });

    subscribe('${ id }.refresh', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });
    subscribe('patient/${ patient.patientId }.changed', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });
    subscribe('patient/${ patient.patientId }/identifiers.changed', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });

    subscribe('${ id }_table.delete-button-clicked', function(message, data) {
        if (openmrsConfirm('${ ui.message("general.confirm") }')) {
  '${ ui.actionLink("deleteIdentifier") }', { returnFormat: 'json', patientIdentifierId: data },
            function(data) {
            .error(function() {
                flashErrornotifyError("Programmer error: delete identifier failed");

<div id="${ id }">
    ${ ui.includeFragment("widgets/table", [
            id: id + "_table",
            columns: [
                [ property: "identifierType", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifierType") ],
                [ property: "identifier", userEntered: true, heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifier") ],
                [ property: "location", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.location") ],
                [ actions: [
                    [ action: "event",
                        icon: "delete24.png",
                        tooltip: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.delete"),
                        event: id + ".delete-button-clicked",
                        property: "patientIdentifierId" ]
                ] ]
            rows: patient.activeIdentifiers,
            ifNoRowsMessage: ui.message("general.none")
        ]) }

    ${ ui.includeFragment("widgets/popupForm",
            id: id + "_add",
            buttonLabel: ui.message("general.add"),
            popupTitle: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.add"),
            fragment: "patientIdentifiers",
            action: "addIdentifier",
            submitLabel: ui.message(""),
            cancelLabel: ui.message("general.cancel"),
            fields: [
                [ hiddenInputName: "patientId", value: patient.patientId ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifierType"), formFieldName: "identifierType", class: org.openmrs.PatientIdentifierType ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifier"), formFieldName: "identifier", class: java.lang.String ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.location"), formFieldName: "location", class: org.openmrs.Location ]
        ]) }


Changing the add and remove actions so that the work via AJAX is actually quite easy, since we can let the UI framework do most of the hard work for us. The first things we need to do is change our addIdentifier and deleteIdentifier fragment actions to have them return ObjectResultsObjects. All ajaxified patient fragments are expected to publish a patient changed event, with a standard simplified javascript representation of the Patient object . (This will allow multiple page fragments to redraw themselves when a piece of patient data is changed, without needing to make their own ajax calls to the server, improving OpenMRS's functionality over slow network connections.) We use a standard utility method to produce the json-ready patient object. (As you build other patient fragments, you will likely need to tweak that standardized method by adding more propertiesin a standard format. We are going to use a standard utility method to produce the json-ready patient object. (This utility method may not contain all the properties you want. You may want to tweak the method to return a patient object with more properties, but don't overdo it. You may also construct a result with the utility methods in the SimpleObject class.)

Code Block
titleController, almost final
 * Controller for the PatientIdentifiers fragment.
 * Displays a table of PatientIdentifiers, and allow the user to add another (via a short popup form),
 * or delete one (with confirmation) as long as it isn't the last one.
public class PatientIdentifiersFragmentController {

	 * Controller method when the fragment is included on a page
	public void controller(PageModel sharedPageModel, FragmentConfiguration config, FragmentModel model) {
		model.addAttribute("patient", FragmentUtil.getPatient(sharedPageModel, config));

	 * Fragment Action for fetching list of active patient identifiers
	public ObjectResultObject getActiveIdentifiers(UiUtils ui, @RequestParam("patientId") Patient patient) {
		return ObjectResultSimpleObject.buildfromCollection(ui, patient.getActiveIdentifiers(), ui, "patientIdentifierId", "identifierType", "identifier",

	 * Fragment Action for adding a new identifier
	public FragmentActionResultObject addIdentifier(UiUtils ui, @RequestParam("patientId") Patient patient,
	        @RequestParam("identifierType") PatientIdentifierType idType, @RequestParam("identifier") String identifier,
	        @RequestParam("location") Location location) {
		patient.addIdentifier(new PatientIdentifier(identifier, idType, location));
		return FragmentUtil.standardPatientObject(ui, patient);

	 * Fragment Action for deleting an existing identifier
	public FragmentActionResultObject deleteIdentifier(UiUtils ui, @RequestParam("patientIdentifierId") Integer id) {
		PatientService ps = Context.getPatientService();
		PatientIdentifier pid = ps.getPatientIdentifier(id);
		ps.voidPatientIdentifier(pid, "user interface");
		return FragmentUtil.standardPatientObject(ui, pid.getPatient());


The only change we've made is to return a ObjectResult an Object representing a standard patient, instead of a SuccessResult.


Code Block
titleView, almost final
    def id = ?: ui.randomId("patientIdentifiers")
    function refreshPatientIdentifierTable(divId, patientId) {
        jq('#' + divId + '_table > tbody').empty();
        jq.getJSON('${ ui.actionLink("getActiveIdentifiers", [returnFormat: "json"]) }', { patientId: patientId },
        function(data) {
            publish(divId + "", data);

    function refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id }(message, data) {
        if (data && data.activeIdentifiers)
            publish("${ id }", data.activeIdentifiers);
            refreshPatientIdentifierTable('${ id }', ${ patient.patientId });

    subscribe('${ id }.refresh', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });
    subscribe('patient/${ patient.patientId }.changed', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });
    subscribe('patient/${ patient.patientId }/identifiers.changed', refreshPatientIdentifiers${ id });

    subscribe('${ id }.delete-button-clicked', function(message, data) {
        if (openmrsConfirm('${ ui.message("general.confirm") }')) {
  '${ ui.actionLink("deleteIdentifier") }', { returnFormat: 'json', patientIdentifierId: data },
            function(data) {
                flashSuccessnotifySuccess('${ ui.escapeJs(ui.message("PatientIdentifier.deleted")) }');
                publish('patient/${ patient.patientId }/identifiers.changed', data);
            }, 'json')
            .error(function() {
                flashErrornotifyError("Programmer error: delete identifier failed");

<div id="${ id }">
    ${ ui.includeFragment("widgets/table", [
            id: id + "_table",
            columns: [
                [ property: "identifierType", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifierType") ],
                [ property: "identifier", userEntered: true, heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifier") ],
                [ property: "location", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.location") ],
                [ actions: [
                    [ action: "event",
                        icon: "delete24.png",
                        tooltip: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.delete"),
                        event: id + ".delete-button-clicked",
                        property: "patientIdentifierId" ]
                ] ]
            rows: patient.activeIdentifiers,
            ifNoRowsMessage: ui.message("general.none")
        ]) }

    ${ ui.includeFragment("widgets/popupForm", [
            id: id + "_add",
            buttonLabel: ui.message("general.add"),
            popupTitle: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.add"),
            fragment: "patientIdentifiers",
            action: "addIdentifier",
            submitLabel: ui.message(""),
            cancelLabel: ui.message("general.cancel"),
            fields: [
                [ hiddenInputName: "patientId", value: patient.patientId ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifierType"), formFieldName: "identifierType", class: org.openmrs.PatientIdentifierType ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifier"), formFieldName: "identifier", class: java.lang.String ],
                [ label: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.location"), formFieldName: "location", class: org.openmrs.Location ]
            successEvent: "patient/" + patient.patientId + "/identifiers.changed"
        ]) }


In case of any errors while executing a fragment action, you just need to return a FailureResult, and the UI framework will take care of sending it back in the correct way. (If the fragment is called via ajax, an errors object is returned as json or xml. If the fragment is done as a regular form submission, it is returned in a session attribute and displayed at the top of the page.) Typically fragment actions will declare a return type of FragmentActionResultObject, so they may return either a Success/Object result, or a FailureResult.


Code Block
titleFurther validation in delete action
	 * Fragment Action for deleting an existing identifier
	public FragmentActionResultObject deleteIdentifier(UiUtils ui, @RequestParam("patientIdentifierId") Integer id,
	                                             @RequestParam(value="reason", defaultValue="user interface") String reason) {
		PatientService ps = Context.getPatientService();
		PatientIdentifier pid = ps.getPatientIdentifier(id);
		// don't touch it if it's already deleted
		if (pid.isVoided())
			return new FailureResult(ui.message("PatientIdentifier.delete.error.already"));
		// don't delete the last active identifier
		if (pid.getPatient().getActiveIdentifiers().size() == 1) {
			return new FailureResult(ui.message("PatientIdentifier.delete.error.last"));
		// otherwise, we go ahead and delete it
		ps.voidPatientIdentifier(pid, reason);
		return FragmentUtil.standardPatientObject(ui, pid.getPatient());


Code Block
titlechanging the view to support error messages raised by the delete action via ajax
subscribe('${ id }.delete-button-clicked', function(message, data) {
        if (openmrsConfirm('${ ui.message("general.confirm") }')) {
  '${ ui.actionLink("deleteIdentifier") }', { returnFormat: 'json', patientIdentifierId: data },
            function(data) {
                flashSuccessnotifySuccess('${ ui.escapeJs(ui.message("PatientIdentifier.deleted")) }');
                publish('patient/${ patient.patientId }/identifiers.changed', data);
            }, 'json')
            .error(function(xhr) {
                fragmentActionError(xhr, "Programmer error: delete identifier failed");


Code Block
titleFragment Action for changing the preferred identifier
	 * Fragment Action for marking an identifier as preferred
	public FragmentActionResultObject setPreferredIdentifier(UiUtils ui,
	                                                   @RequestParam("patientIdentifierId") PatientIdentifier pid) {
		PatientService ps = Context.getPatientService();
		if (pid.isVoided())
			return new FailureResult(ui.message("PatientIdentifier.setPreferred.error.deleted"));
		// silently do nothing if it's already preferred
		if (!pid.isPreferred()) {
			// mark all others as nonpreferred
			for (PatientIdentifier activePid : pid.getPatient().getActiveIdentifiers()) {
				if (!pid.equals(activePid) && activePid.isPreferred()) {
			// mark this one as preferred
		return FragmentUtil.standardPatientObject(ui, pid.getPatient());

This code is straightforward. The only difference between this example and those in previous steps is that we're converting the patientIdentifierId parameter directly into a PatientIdentifier directly in the method signature, using Spring's automatic type conversion. (Doing this required adding a converter class, which is documented Type Converters in 2.x.)

The next step is to add a column to the table in the gsp page, which shows either a preferred, or non-preferred icon. The non-preferred icon should be clickable.

Code Block
titleadditions to the view to support changing the preferred patient identifier
    subscribe('${ id }.set-preferred-identifier', function(message, data) {'${ ui.actionLink("setPreferredIdentifier") }', { returnFormat: 'json', patientIdentifierId: data },
        function(data) {
            flashSuccessnotifySuccess('${ ui.escapeJs(ui.message("PatientIdentifier.setPreferred")) }');
            publish('patient/${ patient.patientId }/identifiers.changed', data);
        }, 'json')
        .error(function(xhr) {
            fragmentActionError(xhr, "Failed to set preferred identifier");
    ${ ui.includeFragment("widgets/table", [
            id: id + "_table",
            columns: [
                [ property: "identifierType", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifierType") ],
                [ property: "identifier", userEntered: true, heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.identifier") ],
                [ property: "location", heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.location") ],
                [ heading: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.preferred"),
                    actions: [
                        [ action: "none",
                            icon: "star_16.png",
                            showIfPropertyTrue: "preferred" ],
                        [ action: "event",
                            icon: "star_off16.png",
                            event: id + ".set-preferred-identifier",
                            property: "patientIdentifierId",
                            showIfPropertyFalse: "preferred" ]
                [ actions: [
                    [ action: "event",
                        icon: "delete24.png",
                        tooltip: ui.message("PatientIdentifier.delete"),
                        event: id + ".delete-button-clicked",
                        property: "patientIdentifierId" ]
                ] ]
            rows: patient.activeIdentifiers,
            ifNoRowsMessage: ui.message("general.none")
        ]) }
