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Comment: Add information for afterCreatedUrl

Table of Contents

Custom Sections and Fields on the Registration App

The Reference Application includes a built-in Registration app that is configured for a common one-size-fits-all use case. However it is possible to disable the built-in app, and set up your own customized version.  For example, you can integrate the address hierarchy module and add additional person attributes.  You can see the full list of configuration options in the template definition found at this link, which describes the config fields.

Initial Steps

Follow the basic instructions to disable an App and add a custom App found at System Administration: Manage Apps.


Table of Contents

Custom Sections and Fields on the Registration App

The Reference Application includes a built-in Registration app that is configured for a common one-size-fits-all use case. However it is possible to disable the built-in app, and set up your own customized version.  For example, you can integrate the address hierarchy module and add additional person attributes.  You can see the full list of configuration options in the template definition found at this link, which describes the config fields.

Initial Steps

Follow the basic instructions to disable an App and add a custom App found at System Administration: Manage Apps.


  1. Navigate to System Administration-->Manage Apps
  2. Click the square disable button beside "referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient" to disable the integrated Registration App configuration.
  3. Add a new App Definition by clicking "Add App Definition".
  4. Give your new App a name, perhaps "referenceapplication.registrationapp.myRegisterPat".
  5. Copy the latest template for the registration App, found here (note that the square brackets before and after should not be used). 
  6. Paste this into the Definition (required) field.
  7. Modify the ID to represent the ID you specified in step 4 above.  For example, change "urlid": "registrationapp/", to "urlid": "registrationapp/",
    • If you prefer, you can change the "description" and "label" fields to your liking, for example, name them in your language.  You can also change the icon and order to your liking.
    • Save the new App configuration.


    • NB .Ensure your new Id contains a string "registerPatient"   say "referenceapplication.registerPatient.MyRegister" as that string wil be required when  Generating a comprehensive registration summary ID when you try to acces the Edit registration link to the Registration Summary Page seehere
  1. Modify the URL line to represent the ID you specified in step 4 above.  For example, change "url": "registrationapp/", to "url": "registrationapp/",
  2. If you prefer, you can change the "description" and "label" fields to your liking, for example, name them in your language.  You can also change the icon and order to your liking.
  3. Save the new App configuration.

  • If you have a syntax error, it will give you an error "Invalid Json", and not let you save it until fixed.
  • If you didn't change the App ID in the Json, it will give you an error "The App ID should match the one in the definition" when you try to save it.
  • If the App name is too long, it will give you an error like, "Failed to save referenceapplication.registrationapp.myRegisterPatient", and not let you save it.


  1. Find the UUID of the Person Attribute Type (s) that you want to add to the Registration App. 
    1. Go to System Administration --> Advanced Administration --> Manage Person Attribute Types
    2. Click on the name of the Person Attribute, for example "Mother's Name".
    3. You will find the UUID listed in grey, for example... 8d871d18-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f
    Note: If the person attribute you want to add doesn't yet exist, you can create it here.
  2. Open the App you created in the Initial Steps above.
  3. In the list of sections you can add a new section, or you can simply add the person attribute to an existing section.  Sections and fields are separated with a comma.  The code to add a question of Mother's Name is...

    Code Block
    titleMother Name Person Attribute Field
           "type": "personAttribute",
           "label": "Mother's Name",
           "formFieldName": "mothersName",
           "uuid": "8d871d18-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f",
           "widget": {
                      "providerName": "uicommons",
                      "fragmentId": "field/text"

    If you want to add the question in a section of it's own, you would use something like this, placed in the list of sections...

    Code Block
    titlePerson Attribute in own section
        "legend": "My Person Attribute",
        "id": "myPersonAttributeLabel",
        "fields": [
           "type": "personAttribute",
           "label": "Mother's Name",
           "formFieldName": "mothersName",
           "uuid": "8d871d18-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f",
           "widget": {
                      "providerName": "uicommons",
                      "fragmentId": "field/text"

  4. Change the "uuid": value to the UUID of the Person Attribute that you want to appear in the Registration App.
  5. Save your App and enjoy!

  • You must create your Person Attribute Types before adding them to the Registration App. You can find instructions at Managing Person Attribute Types.
  • Coded Person Attributes are not currently supported in the Registration App.
    Jira Legacy
    serverOpenMRS JIRA
  • You can add multiple Person Attribute fields to a single section.
  • You can add fields to the demographics section by naming the section "demographics" in your json file. Whatever fields you add will be added after the patient's birth date question.
  • The sections will be ordered in the form exactly how in the same exact  way they are ordered in the json. This includes the ability to collect fields before the patient's demographic information is collected.
    • The only exception to this is the question that asks if the registration was done today when retrospective registrations are enabled.
  • You can make a particular field required by adding a "cssClasses": ["required"] after the "widget" declaration in the field. The following code block shows the cssClasses declaration that makes the phone number required:

    Code Block
    "fields": [
    		"type": "personAttribute",
    		"label": "",
    		"formFieldName": "phoneNumber",
    		"uuid": "14d4f066-15f5-102d-96e4-000c29c2a5d7",
    		"widget": {
    			"providerName": "uicommons",
    			"fragmentId": "field/text"
    		"cssClasses": ["phone","required"]


To use the Address Hierarchy Module in the Reference Application Registration App requires a little configuration to a custom App.  The steps are outlined below.

  1. Ensure the Address Hierarchy Module is installed and configured per the instructions; including configuration of the address levels, marking them all "Required".
  2. Open the App you created in the Initial Steps above.
  3. Under the address section, replace...

    Code Block
    titleText Box Address Fields
    "widget": {
              "providerName": "uicommons",
              "fragmentId": "field/personAddress"


    Code Block
    titleAddress Hierarchy Address Fields
    "widget": {
         "providerName": "registrationapp",
         "fragmentId": "field/personAddressWithHierarchy",
         "config" : {
            "shortcutFor": "address1",
            "manualFields": ["address2"]


The registration app allows you to manually override the primary patient identifier. When you set the variable allow manual override to "true", it presents the user with a question that allows them to manually override the primary identifier, which is often the OpenMRS ID.

(This section is not fully documented. There appear to be a number of steps required to expose the primary identifier in the UI

The following line can be added to the config section of the JSON that allows you to manually override the default identifier:

Code Block
"config": {

Collecting Additional Patient Identifiers in the Registration App

Support for collecting multiple patient identifiers is being introduced in Registration App v1.7, which is scheduled to be released in spring 2017. This support allows users to collect multiple person identifiers by configuring their own application.

What's not supported:

  • Patient Identifier Type locations (This means that all location behaviors need to be set to "Not used" in the identifier type form)

Additional identifiers can be collected by adding a section in the config, just as you would when adding person attributes. The primary difference has to do with the field type which is "patientIdentifier" and the UUID is the UUID of the patient identifier, found in grey in the patient Identifier types page for that identifier.


  1. Go to System Administration --> Advanced Administration --> Patient Identifier Type Management
  2. Click on the name of the Patient Identifier Type, for example "Old Identification Number".
  3. You will find the UUID listed in grey, for example...  8d79403a-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f
  4. Make sure to set the Location behavior to "Not Used" as you can see in this screenshot
    Image Removed 


In the list of sections you can add a new section. Sections and fields are separated with a comma.  The code to add a section to collect the Old Identification Number is...

Code Block
	"id": "patient-ids",
	"label": "Patient-Identifier",
	"questions": [
			"legend": "Old Identification Number",
			"id": "Old_Identification_Number_patientIdentifier",
			"fields": [
					"type": "patientIdentifier",
					"label": "Old Identification Number",
					"formFieldName": "oldIdentificationNumber",
					"uuid": "8d79403a-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f",
					"widget": {
						"providerName": "uicommons",
						"fragmentId": "field/text"
					"cssClasses": ["required"]


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Here's where it's exposed in the UI where users can click on the identifier to edit it.

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Combining Registration Subsections into One Subsection

Combining registration subsections into one for each section is achievable by setting "combineSubSections" to true. This combines all sub-sections' fields into one sub-section. The following line can be added to the config section of the Registration App Definition to allow for combining of subsections.

Code Block
"config": {

Combining Registration Sections into One Section

Combining registration sections into one section is achievable by setting "combineSections" to true. This combines all the registration sections' questions/sub-sections into the demographics section. The following line can be added to the config section of the Registration App Definition to allow for combining of sections into one.

Code Block
"config": {

Overriding registration gender options

Providing genderOptions to the config as a combination of one or more of the characters M,F,U,O provides respectively a menu with Male, Female, Unknown and Other gender options. The following module versions are required, Registration App 1.15.0, Uicommons 2.9.0 and Coreapps 1.24.0.

Code Block
"config": {

Change the return URL once the registration is done

Allows to redirect the user to a specific page once registration is done. For example to a custom HTML form based on its uuid:

Code Block
"config": {
    "afterCreatedUrl": "/htmlformentryui/htmlform/{{patientId}}&formUuid=62ef4c41-273f-42db-9fe4-adbc48e814d6"

Collecting Additional Patient names with person attributes in the Registration App

The possibility to record other patient names through person attributes is supported with Registration App v1.15. This is achieved by configuring a Registration app with a demographics section like seen in the example below. Note that the name of the underlying person attribute type can be a message property to support localization.

Code Block
    "id" : "demographics",
    "label" : "registrationapp.patient.demographics.label",
    "questions" : [
            "id" : "personName",
            "legend" : "registration.nameIn.localLanguage",
            "fields" : [
                    "type" : "personAttribute",
                    "label" : "registration.nameIn.localLanguage",
                    "formFieldName" : "nameInLocalLanguage",
                    "uuid" : "521fb07d-2bbd-4c6a-835f-6cf68ba97d43",
                    "widget" : {
                        "providerName" : "uicommons",
                        "fragmentId" : "field/text"

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In the example above the label/legend registration.nameIn.localLanguage should be defined as message property.

The recorded name can be displayed in breadcrumbs of coreapps dashboards and patient header names as seen below by creating global properties that point to the personAttribute uuid above.

  • extraPersonNames.personAttributeTypes=521fb07d-2bbd-4c6a-835f-6cf68ba97d43
  • breadCrumbs.details.personAttr.uuids=521fb07d-2bbd-4c6a-835f-6cf68ba97d43

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Additionally, another global property can be created to specify the formatters of the breadcrumbs as a semi-colon separated characters, for example; 

  • breadCrumbs.formatters= {;-;}. Note that this defaults to using an opening , comma + space and closing brackets like (;, ;) .

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Collecting Additional Patient Identifiers in the Registration App

Support for collecting multiple patient identifiers is being introduced in Registration App v1.7, which is scheduled to be released in spring 2017. This support allows users to collect multiple person identifiers by configuring their own application.

What's not supported:

  • Patient Identifier Type locations (This means that all location behaviors need to be set to "Not used" in the identifier type form)

Additional identifiers can be collected by adding a section in the config, just as you would when adding person attributes. The primary difference has to do with the field type which is "patientIdentifier" and the UUID is the UUID of the patient identifier, found in grey in the patient Identifier types page for that identifier.

  1. Find the UUID of the Patient Identifier Type(s) that you want to add to the Registration App. 
    1. Go to System Administration --> Advanced Administration --> Patient Identifier Type Management
    2. Click on the name of the Patient Identifier Type, for example "Old Identification Number".
    3. You will find the UUID listed in grey, for example...  8d79403a-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f
    4. Make sure to set the Location behavior to "Not Used" as you can see in this screenshot
      Image Added 
  2. Open the App you created in the Initial Steps above.
  3. In the list of sections you can add a new section. Sections and fields are separated with a comma.  The code to add a section to collect the Old Identification Number is...

    Code Block
    	"id": "patient-ids",
    	"label": "Patient-Identifier",
    	"questions": [
    			"legend": "Old Identification Number",
    			"id": "Old_Identification_Number_patientIdentifier",
    			"fields": [
    					"type": "patientIdentifier",
    					"label": "Old Identification Number",
    					"formFieldName": "oldIdentificationNumber",
    					"uuid": "8d79403a-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f",
    					"widget": {
    						"providerName": "uicommons",
    						"fragmentId": "field/text"
    					"cssClasses": ["required"]

This allows you to collect the patient identifiers in the registration app, but it doesn't allow you to collect them elsewhere in the user interface. To add the ability to edit patient identifiers to the patient header in the clinician facing dashboard, you need to add the UUID of each identifier to the global property "emr.extraPatientIdentifierTypes":

Image Added

Here's where it's exposed in the UI where users can click on the identifier to edit it.

Image Added

Configuring a dropdown widget that consumes a concept-set in the Registration App

A drop-down widget to capture Concept formatted person attributes types can be defined/configured as follows below. One can provide the options as a map of 'options', 'conceptSet' or both as seen in the below example.

Code Block
titleDropdown widget that consumes a concept-set
    "id": "nationality",
    "legend": "Country of Origin",
    "fields": [{
        "label": "Country of Origin",
        "type": "personAttribute",
        "formFieldName": "nationality",
        "uuid": "personAttributeTypeUuid-of-format-org.openmrs.Concept",
        "widget": {
            "providerName": "registrationapp",
            "fragmentId": "field/dropDown",
            "config": {
                "formFieldName": "nationality",
                "conceptSet": "165657AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
                "options": [{
                    "label": "",
                    "value": ""
                "initialValue": "",
                "hideEmptyLabel": true,
                "expanded": false

Integrating with a Master Patient Index


Note: The app needs to have an address field. If it does not, such as in the "registrationapp.basicRegisterPatient" (defined in openmrs-module-registrationapp/omod/src/main/resources/apps/registrationapp_app.json) you will receive the following errors:

ERROR - PixPatientExporter.exportPatient(47) |2018-06-25 15:07:18,328| java.util.NoSuchElementException


Thus, if you use a registration app that has all the required fields, such as the referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient that comes with the reference application, it will not produce that error.



To map identifiers from MPI server to local OpenMRS application, you have to specify how they maps map on each other. Of course, first of all you have to create proper identifier types in Managing patient identifiers console& (For example: you can see that in the screenshot above there is a ECID identifier, which was created for mapping).


To configure the registration app to support the collection of patient fingerprints and other biometrics, please refer to this page.

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