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One of the challenges to data collection in rural clinics is a lack of network connectivity or even power. While mobile data collection can ease some of this burden, we also need ways to support data entry through laptops or desktops in the clinics in an offline manner. For some of our implementations, the lack of remote data entry requires encounter forms to be hand carried to a central site for central data entry before these encounter forms can be returned to the patients' charts; during this time, a patient could come back to the clinic and their most recent encounter form would be unavailable.


Release Notes

  • 2.9.7-SNAPSHOT
    • Mavenized source code
    • RFE-13 - Relatives with empty patient identifier information caused import errors
  • 2.9.6
    • RFE-8 - Empty but not null relationship type id in remote form caused NumberFormatException
  • 2.9.5
    • RFE-3 - person attributes were being duplicated during processing
  • 2.9.4
    • RFE-2 - fixed file import order (was not chronological)
  • 2.9.3
    • RFE-4 - Added UUIDs to ALL_PATIENT_DATA
  • 2.9.2
    • RFE-5 - fixed importing of empty relationships
  • 2.9.1
    • Fixed patient identifier lookup for 1.6
  • 2.9
    • Fixed patient identifier lookup in non-default setup for identifier searches
  • 2.8
    • Fixed module for 1.5
    • Added ability to transfer relationships
  • 2.7
    • Added global property remoteformentrysetting (formerly Global Property from 1.8 downwards) remoteformentry.generated_return_data_tables_to_ignore so admins can specify which tables to leave out of the returnData sql file.
  • 2.6
    • Added remoteformentry.invalid_identifier_type global property so setting (formerly Global Property from 1.8 downwards) so an admin can specify which identifier type to automatically convert bad checkdigit-ed identifiers to
  • 2.5.1
    • Fixed bug where privileges were defined incorrectly per ticket 1198
  • 2.5
    • Added archiving and logging of all downloaded and uploaded files
  • 2.4.2
    • Fixed Receive Data From Central when central has a new scheduled task
    • Added optional scheduled task for source key extraction
  • 2.4
    • Fixed NPE described by wetuwetu
    • Added additional checks to the "Receive Data from Central" workflow in case an error occurs in the middle of it
  • 2.3
    • Added remoteformentry.remote_locations global property to limit the available remote locations
  • 2.1
    • Added options to "Resolve errors in import" screen to help with deleting/adding patients
    • Fixed screen message output if there are still pending queue items
  • 2.0
    • Fixed bug that was not deleting pending queue items on the remote server


?Ben Wolfe