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Reference Application 2.8.0 is a release of our new Reference Application, a state of the art implementation of OpenMRS, which may serve as a solid base for new implementations. It is designed using the latest UI 3.x and App Framework, which make it easy to add new functionality as small apps in a similar fashion to mobile applications. The Reference Application comes with a number of apps out of the box. Currently we provide apps, which enable you to:
Register patients
Start and end visits
List patients with active visits
Admit/transfer/discharge patients
Take clinical notes
Capture patient vitals
Display patient summary and visit history.
Capture allergies
Enter forms from the patient dashboard
Patient request/scheduling appointment
Patient's condition list
Dispense medication
Attach patient note
Try It Out!
Hosted Demo Server
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You can explore the latest released version of the Reference Application by going to demo.openmrs.org and signing in with the following credentials:
username: | doctor | nurse | clerk | sysadmin |
password: | Doctor123 | Nurse123 | Clerk123 | Sysadmin123 |
Each user has access to different parts of the application and we encourage you to explore them all.
For all features of the reference application to work well, you will need to make the configurations below:
To register a patient, the logged in user needs to have an associated provider account, meaning no patient registration will be possible if there is no user that has a provider account and yes this includes super user. Go to System Administration - Manage Accounts - Add New Account to add a new user and provider. Remember to create both a user account (with appropriate privileges) and a provider account.
Advanced Configuration
You can find more info about configuring the reference application here.
When you first open up the Reference Application you will see a login screen.
You can login as a system developer with full privileges by giving the default username admin and password Admin123. You also need to select Location for this session. (For more details see here.) Locations are configurable from Advanced Administration - Manage locations. In order for a location to appear on a login screen you need to open it up and select a checkbox next to the Login location tag.
The Reference Application is partially translated into several languages. (To see how to contribute translations, or just see the current status, see Translating the Reference Application.)
Each user account has a "default locale" that is applied when they log in. The administrator can set this when creating a user account, or a user can change it on their own from My Account (under their username in the header):
...then by choosing Default Settings and setting the Default Locale:
If the search field is empty, you see a listing of recently viewed patients. As soon as you start typing and enter at least the number of characters set as the value of the Min Search Characters global property on the settings page, you will see results changing live for what you entered. Note that when searching by patient identifier you need to enter the full patient identifier because partial searches only work when searching by patient name.
Patient Summary
Once you open up a patient you see a clinical summary.
A diagnosis that was entered as free-text is displayed in quotes. Each kind of diagnosis is displayed only once. See also Visit Notes.
The box shows the last captured vitals. See also Capture Vitals.
On the right you can find a box with actions. General Actions are:
Start Visit - start a visit if there is no active visit yet
Add Past Visit - enter a retrospective visit
Merge Visits - merge past visits
Chart Search - search for patient chart
Any forms which are marked as showing up under General Action section
Schedule a New Appointment
Request Appointment
Current Visit Actions are displayed if there is an active visit and they include:
End visit - end a visit
Visit Note - enter a visit note
Admit to Inpatient / Exit from Inpatient - change a type of visit
Transfer to Ward/Service - transfer to a defined location (displayed only when in an inpatient visit)
Capture vitals - enter patient's vitals
Note: Some actions may not be visible based on privileges of the currently logged in user.
You can see it has the same patient header as Patient Summary. Right below on the left you can see a list of visits with date and diagnoses captured during a particular visit. The most recent visit is displayed at the top. You can click at any visit to see its details on the right. It has Visit Actions buttons if a visit is active and a list of encounters, which you can view by clicking show details. It is possible to edit them with the pencil icon or delete with the x icon.
Only encounters that are specifically configured as "editable" can be edited. This is how it's done for the built-in reference application forms. There is currently not a way to edit your own forms. In order to edit an encounter, you either need to have the privilege "Task: emr.patient.encounter.edit", or else have participated in the encounter.
When you click to "Add New Allergy", it allows you to select the allergy type; drug, food or environmental. You can click the allergen, and then specify the reaction it causes and the severity. You can also add a comment if you like. After you click save,
Visit Notes
The form for entering visit notes is accessible from Patient Summary and Patient Visits. It is listed under Current Visits Actions.
First you enter a primary diagnosis by starting to type in the Add presumed or confirmed diagnosis field. It has an auto-suggest feature which finds diagnosis concepts, but also has the Non-coded selection with the value you entered. You need to pick from the auto-suggest list to add the diagnosis, which then appears on the right under Primary Diagnosis. If you repeat these steps, your selections will appear under Secondary Diagnoses.
A patient can be admitted, discharged or transferred from Patient Summary or Patient Visits under Current Visit Actions.
Locations can be configured from System Administration - Advanced Administration - Manage Locations. You need to have a location marked with the Visit location tag, which has children marked with the Admission location or Transfer location tags.
For an example look at the setup in the demo data. See Demo.
Configure Metadata
Click on the Configure Metadata app on the main apps screen. If you want to add, edit, retire/restore or delete metadata in the new UI, this is where you go.
When you click on any of the links in blue above, you should be able to view page that lists the respective metadata, the action column on the right has these icons
, click the pencil icon to edit, the 'x' icon to retire and the trash icon to delete items forever. When you retire an item, the 'x' icon gets replaced with 'restore' icon which when clicked should un retire the item. To add a new piece of metadata, click on the add button at the top of the listing page, e.g 'Add New Encounter Type' in case of encounter types....
Under the Configure Metadata screen, there is now a new app to "Manage Forms". It is possible to add custom forms to the new user interface without any custom programming! When you initially enter Manage Forms, it shows you a list of forms that exist in the system. Obviously, before you can configure where a custom form will appear in the system, you must create the form. Both HTML and XForms are supported, but they must be created through the legacy user interface, under System Administration - Advanced Administration.
After you've created your custom form that you want to add to the new user interface / patient dashboard, you can click "Add" in the UI column next to the form name, as seen in the screenshot above. Clicking "Add" opens up the configuration screen for that form.
There is a rich user interface for configuring metadata i.e add, create, retire/void, restore and delete metadata, as seen above you can also configure where and how your form will appear. Let's discuss these settings individually.
Under the System Administration App, you will find system administration tools. This currently includes the Style Guide, especially useful to programmers, It also includes Advanced Administration which returns you from the new user interface to the legacy user interface. This is useful for configuring legacy settings and modules that don't yet have a user interface in the new UI; like Reporting and Facility Data Module for example. You can also manage global properties and user accounts by selecting the appropriate app from the page shown in the screenshot below, you can navigate to this page by selecting Home -> System Administration.
Manage Apps
This allows implementers to add or remove applications to/from the system without having to build a module. This is done by configuring a JSON definition. For more information see System Administration: Manage Apps.
In the reference applications, user and provider accounts are linked to a person record and are managed from the same page. From the home page navigate to the account listing page by clicking System Administration -> Manage Accounts as seen in the screenshot above to view all the accounts.
To add a new account, from the account listing page, click on the 'Add New Account' button, fill the form and save.
To Edit an existing account, from the account listing page click the pencil icon beside the account you wish to edit.
To edit the person details, under person details section click on the pencil icon on the right, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
To add a new user account, under user details section click on the last tab with the '+' sign, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes. It now includes support for user capabilities.
To edit an existing user account, under user details section click on the associated pencil icon on the right hand side of the tab content pane for that user account, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
To add a new provider account, under provider details section click on the last tab with the '+' sign, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
To edit an existing provider account, under provider details section click on the associated pencil icon on the right hand side of the tab content pane for that provider account, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
Note: Retiring and deleting user and provider accounts is not supported as of 2.3 but should be in future releases.
From the home page navigate to the account listing page by clicking System Administration -> Manage Settings (formerly Global Properties from 1.8 downwards) as seen in the screenshot above to view all the Settings (formerly Global Properties from 1.8 downwards).
Click on the 'Add New Setting (formerly Global Property from 1.8 downwards)' button to add a new Setting (formerly Global Property from 1.8 downwards).
The action column on the right has these icons
, click the pencil icon to edit and the trash icon to delete a setting (formerly global property from platform 1.8 downwards).
Note: Some Setting (formerly Global Property from 1.8 downwards) values are truncated to fit in the allocated space, clicking the pencil icon should take you to the edit screen from where you can see the entire value. On the listing page, hovering over the name cell should display the description also.
New Features
What this module does
Built-in reports OWA provides basic reporting and give some insight into your data in Reference Application distribution. Data can be seen visually how they have spread and it gives an overview about the present data.
Currently there are some basic reports available. If anyone wants to add more sophisticated reports, it's really easy and there are some common components that can be reused from the OWA when it comes to displaying the data.
Documentation / How-To
You need to have the Reference Metadata module 2.7.0 or higher installed in your OpenMRS server. This module includes the report definitions which the built-in reports OWA is being displaying.
Currently there are 10 basic reports have configured.
Number or Visits
Number of Patient Registrations
Number of Admissions per service area
Number of Transfers per service area
Number of Discharges per service area
Number of Visit Notes
List of Diagnosis’s made and quantity
List of Providers (grouped by active/retired)
List of Users (grouped by active/retired)
List of new Patient Registrations
You can see those reports under Administration -> Manage Report Definitions -> Report Administration once you install the Reference Metadata module 2.7.0 or higher.
After ensuring that the reports are properly configured with the Reference Metadata module installation, you can upload the openmrs-owa-built-in-reports to your OpenMRS server.
Then you can open up the owa from Administration -> Open Web Apps Module -> Manage Apps -> Built In Reports.
List of Users in the OpenMRS system has visualized as follows:
List of Diagnosis in the entire system is available as below:
When there is no data in OpenMRS for any of the reports, it will be indicated to the user like below:
More MetaData Management in Admin UI
OpenMRS Legacy Module contains a lot of administrative functionalities which are needed to manage the reference application. Most of this administrative functionalities contain a legacy model and less experience to the users. So OpenMRS Community wanted to migrate those administrative features to the Modern Open web app view.
More Metadata Management in AdminUI project is one of those projects which are designed to migrate some of these administrative functionalities to the modern open web app view. In the More Meta data Management in AdminUI project, We focused on this following functionalities,
1. Manage Modules - This feature will be used to manage the modules in the OpenMRS reference application.
2. System Information - This feature will be used to display the System information about the OpenMRS server and the system.
3. Manage Scheduler - This feature will be used to manage the tasks in the OpenMRS reference application.These features are implemented as Open Web Apps with the modern view to the users.
Those features are implemented as an Open Web App and included into the SysAdmin Open Wep App.
Used technologies for the developments,
Front End Development : HTML, CSS, Angular JS, jQuery
Back End Development: Java, REST API
Manage Modules
This feature will be used to manage the modules in the OpenMRS reference application. Users can use this implementation for this following functionalities,
Features of the Manage Modules
New/ Existing/ Modified Feature
1. List all the installed Module
New Icons used to indicate the module status
Modified Feature
2. Start the module
No Modifications Existing Feature
3. Stop the module
Confirmation Pop up will be shown with the dependent modules details to alert the user
Modified Feature
4. Delete/Unload the module
Confirmation Pop up will be shown with the dependent modules details to alert the user
Modified Feature
5. Check updates
Module updates will be checked with OpenMRS AddOns and listed in the new page for
the user selection.Modified Feature
6. Check one module update
Check the update with OpenMRS AddOns and indicate the update status
New Feature
7. Start All Modules
No Modifications Existing Feature
8. Add/Upgrade Modules
Implemented Drag and Drop feature
Modified Feature
9. Search Modules
Connected with OpenMRS Addons and user can search the module independently
Modified Feature
10. Search Module Information
User can view the detailed information about the searched module
New Feature
11. Module Information View
Used to display the module information with required modules, aware of modules,
and depend on module detailsNew Feature
12. View not installed module information
Connected with OpenMRS add-ons and indicate the user about the installation features.
New Feature
System Information
This feature will be used to display the System information about the OpenMRS server and the system. Users can use this feature to get this following information,
OpenMRS Information
Operating System Information
Java Runtime Information
User Information
Memory Information
Database Information
Module Information
New Features
Divided the existing System Information under different set of categories to increase the usability
Used some new kind of Icons to illustrate the Information Category properly
Modified Module Information Section with some new ideas.
Manage Scheduler
This feature will be used to manage the tasks in the OpenMRS reference application. Users can use this implementation for this following functionalities,
Features of the Manage Modules
New/Existing/Modified Feature
1.List all the installed Module
New Icons and UI used to indicate the module status
Modified Feature
2. Schedule Task
No Modifications Existing Feature
3. Shutdown Task
Confirmation Pop up will be shown to alert the user
Modified Feature
4. Reschedule Task
It will reschedule the existing task in the system
New Feature
5. Delete Task
Confirmation Pop up will be shown to alert the user
Modified Feature
6. Reschedule All Tasks
It will reschedule all the tasks in the system
New Feature
7. Shutdown All Tasks
It will shut down all the tasks in the system
New Feature
8. Startup Tasks
It will reschedule all the tasks in the system
New Feature
9. Refresh Tasks
It will refresh the list of registered tasks
Existing Feature
10. Add New Task Definition
Used to create new Task Definition
Implemented new UI for this functionality
Modified Feature
11. Edit Task Definition
Used to edit existing Task Definition
Implemented new UI for this functionality
Modified Feature
OWA included in RA - System Administration, Add-on Manager and Cohort Builder
See this RA-1427
Biometrics Support in Registration App
See These Tickets ( RA-1406 ,RA-1407 ,RA-1391 ,RA-1395 ,RA-1397 )
Sticky Note on the Patient Dashboard
Ability to edit implementation forms
Pre-built Reporting Tools
OpenMRS Atlas
New to the OpenMRS 2.1 user interface is the OpenMRS Atlas configuration. When the implementation is first established, you must link ownership with an OpenMRS ID. Click “Sign in with your OpenMRS ID” and provide your OpenMRS ID and password. If your browser is already logged in to OpenMRS ID, it will use that account automatically when you click "Sign in".