I. After a ETL is performed, now for Second Stage we require two component
1. EDW
2. OpenMRS Predictive Analysis Module.
II. Performing Predictive Analysis - we can use Apache Mayhout for implementation.
Mockup UI
Mockup Version 34 Width 600 Name Query Editor
Mockup Version 1 Width 600 Name TabularView
- 19 May - 22 May: Study MySQL DB Transformation using JSP
- 22 May - 26 May: Study Direct Web Remoting and Spring Controller
- 26 May - 4 June. DWR implementation and back end designing using JavaScript and Java.
- 5 June - 8 June: Make a Web Wizard similar to mentioned Mockup UI.
- 9 June - 12 June: jQuery Drag and Drop support for columns in table.
- 12 June - 14 June: Hadoop, Hive, Thrift Study, Setup, Resource Collection.
- 14 June - 15 June: Testing and Implementing Datawarehouse Login (Backend and Frontend).
- 16 June - 22 June: Transform and Load Table from MySQL to Datawarehouse. Implementing various Joins.
- 23 June - 29 June: Loading data to Hive using ssh and thrift
- 30 June - 6 July: Test and execute Hive queries using ssh, hive-jdbc and thrift in OpenMRS Module.
- 7 July - 13 July: Get results of queries on page in interactive manner.
- 14 July - 28 July: Studying Apache Mahout, Implementaion and Web Interface
- 28 July - 18 August: Code Fixing, Bug Solving and Later Finishing
Demo Video
- Data Warehousing : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_warehouse
- ETL ( Extraction - Transformation - Loading) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extract,_transform,_load
- Apache Hive : http://hive.apache.org/
- Apache Mahout :https://mahout.apache.org/