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title | QA Jira Board (Find work hereGitHub Repo (Dashboard and Work Hub) |
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title | E2E Frontend Test Steps |
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QA Support Team meeting details & notes at om.rs/qanotes
Our E2E Test Process
We apply a Workflow-based Approach to E2E tests. This allows us to have happy-path smoke tests grouped by workflows, which test from a user’s perspective. These We do this because:
- It's easier to confidently release regularly if your business stakeholders have confidence in a few, not too many, E2E tests that cover happy-path user stories (where things go right).
- We don't want to automate every possible click or every possible path - this causes a lot of overhead in maintenance and cognitive burden when reviewing test reports. However, detailed functional tests should still be written for specific features. (Functional tests are outside of the scope of E2E Workflow tests.)
Diagram of the steps to take when creating a frontend test:
Video: Overview of the New QA Framework
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