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  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
  • Case-based Reporting, Topic Fest
  • Review next meeting agenda


  • Burke
  • Case-based Reporting (Burke and WYclif)
  • Topic Fest: What topics matter to you?
Case-Based Reporting
  • Questions
  • Do we utilize 'program' inside openmrs?
  • Not currently.
  • Why we integrate with OpenHIE? Can we integrate with other system?
  • OpenHIE was chosen as an example.
  • A CDA is produced, so it can be sent to anything that accepts CDA.
  • Is FHIR used between OpenMRS and OpenHIE?
  • Not currently. We 



Topic Fest (please put topic name and who to contact so Jamie can reach out to them)
Proposed Topics
  • Infrastructure updates
  • GSoC discussions
  • Review projects pre-application
  • Student welcome when students announced
  • ?Kick-off jam just before coding starts
  • Openmrs Data Warehousing approaches.
  • Bahmni form builder demo (need to discuss with team later)



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
