- Find a patient by identifier
GET /ws/rest/patient?q=123MT2
- Representation: default
No Format lang javascript title JSON Return Value lang javascript { uuid: "1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC", uri: "https://foo.com/ws/rest/patient/1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC", display: "John A. Doe (93498309234)", name: "John A. Doe", identifier: 9349, identifierType: { display: "Hospital X Identifier Number", uuid: "342834239234", identifiers: [ {display: "9349 (Hospital X Identification Number)", uuid: "00AF-55-111", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/patient/1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC/identifier/00AF-55-111"},{display: "AA-4 (Hospital Y Id Number", uuid: "123", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/patient/1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC/identifier/123"} ] gender: "M", birthdate: "1955-05-25", voided: false, dead: false }
- Get last 10 encounters for patient
GET /ws/rest/encounter?patient=1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC&limit=10
- or
GET /ws/rest/patient/1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC/encounters?limit=10
- or
- Representation: default
No Format lang javascripttitle JSON Return Value lang javascript [ { uuid: "029434-AA-32EE", uri: "https://foo.com/ws/rest/encounter/029434-AA-32EE", display: "Adult Return Hospital X encounterDatetime: "2000-05-25 14:05:03", patient: { display: "John A. Doe (123-0)", uuid: "1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/patient/1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC" }, location: { display: "Hospital X", uuid: "39209-324-999", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/location/39209-324-999" }, form: { display: "Outpatient Form", uuid: "F23BCA-324-22", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/form/F23BCA-324-22" }, encounterType: { display: "Adult Return", uuid: "123CA-324-22", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/encountertype/123CA-324-22" }, provider: { display: "Susan B Anthony (6400-6)", uuid: "392A-324-111", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/provider/392A-324-111" }, obs: [ { display: "WEIGHT (KG) = 70", uuid: "BBB-324-111", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/obs/BBB-324-111" },{ display: "TRANSPORTATION METHOD = VELOCIRAPTOR", uuid: "0019-324-111", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/obs/0019-324-111" } ] }, orders: [{ ... }, { ... } ] }, { encounterDatetime: ... ... } ]
- Representation: partial
No Format lang javascripttitle JSON Return Value lang javascript [ { uuid: "029434-AA-32EE", uri: "https://foo.com/ws/rest/encounter/029434-AA-32EE", display: "Adult Return Hospital X encounterDatetime: "2000-05-25 14:05:03", patient: { display: "John A. Doe (123-0)", uuid: "1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/patient/1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC" }, name: "John A Doe", identifier: "123-0", identifierType: "asdf", identifiers { (list of identifier refs) }, }, location: { display: "Hospital X", uuid: "39209-324-999", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/location/39209-324-999" }, form: { display: "Outpatient Form", uuid: "F23BCA-324-22", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/form/F23BCA-324-22" }, encounterType: { display: "Adult Return", uuid: "123CA-324-22", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/encountertype/123CA-324-22" }, provider: { display: "Susan B Anthony (6400-6)", uuid: "392A-324-111", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/provider/392A-324-111" }, obs: [ { display: "WEIGHT (KG) = 70", uuid: "BBB-324-111", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/obs/BBB-324-111" },{ display: "TRANSPORTATION METHOD = VELOCIRAPTOR", uuid: "0019-324-111", uri: "https://foo.com/openmrs/ws/rest/obs/0019-324-111" } ] }, orders: [{ ... }, { ... } ] }, { uuid: , display: , uuid: , encounterDatetime: ... ... } ]
- Create an encounter and observations in one swoop
POST /ws/rest/encounter
No Format lang javascripttitle POST Request post content lang javascript { encounterDatetime: "2000-05-25 14:05:03", patient: "1AA43D-324-AFE8349AC", location: "Hospital X", form: "F23BCA-324-22", encounterType: "123CA-324-22", provider: "392A-324-111", obs: [ { question="034892-AA-3248", answer="70" },{ question="034892-AA-3248", answer="222-EE-222" } ] }
- Returns back a default representation of the encounter (as shown in previous use case)
- Edit an encounter metadata
PUT /ws/rest/encounter/029434-AA-32EE
No Format lang javascripttitle POST Request post content lang javascript { encounterDatetime: "2000-05-26 14:05:03", location: "Hospital Y" }
- Returns back a default representation of the encounter (as shown in previous previous use case)
- Insert hl7 into hl7_in_queue
POST to /ws/rest/hl7
No Format lang javascripttitle POST Request post content lang javascript { message: "KLJSDF||||SDF|S|DF|||||S|DF|S|F" }