Versions Compared


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The information on this page, as of Feb 2016, is outdated and links are incomplete. This page reflects work that may not have been maintained.


Some day we will have a full team to run various tests (integration, load testing, application compatibility, etc.). Until that day, the simple recipes below will guide a user to make sure that different parts of the application work properly before a release.


Testing the API Layer

It is assumed that unit tests have been written against any new API code since the last release. All unit tests are run after every commit by our Continuous Integration server. You can see how well the tests are covering the api by looking at the unit test coverage output.


This requires an openmrs database to be installed into a running mysql that can be found using the openmrs runtime properites.

If you want ALL tests run against an empty in-memory (requires that the initialization step be run, which takes 10 mins), use the -i flag.


  • HTML Widgets
    • Nothing to do here, tested while doing reporting tests...
    • Do all of the configuration pages open correctly?
    • Configure a sequential number generator and use the idgen 'view' page to generate a batch of IDs.
    • NOTE:  a conversation with Mike Seaton this morning makes me think that this will be broken in 1.8
  • Metadata sharing
    • Import file from another server
    • Create metadata sharing zip
    • Download and import to other server
  • MRNGen
    • Is the 'create patient' identifier portlet correctly overwritten?
    • Use mrngen to successfully to autogenerate an identifier while creating a patient.
  • Patient summary
    • Does module start?
    • Look at patient dashboard (overview tab) for "Patient summary" link
    • Look at the summary.
  • BIRT reporting
    • Start module
    • Make certain all the global properties are correct
    • etc.
  • SimpleLabEntry
    • This module extends dojo for some of its functionality so this will definitely be broken in 1.8
    • The test is to 1) configure the module, 2) create an order, 3) register a result for that order
    • And, do the 'create patient' mechanisms in the module successfully create a patient?

Behavior Driven Development In OpenMRS