General Info
- New to OpenMRS sprints? Want help getting started? Join ?the IRC channel and say "???": I'd like to participate in the sprint!"
- Checkout code:
- Fork
- Clone your fork: git clone
- Add upstream: git remote add upstream
- Fetch all branches: git fetch --all
- Checkout the sprint branch: git checkout sprint-201302
- Compile code:
- Run: mvn clean install
- Setup OpenMRS. Get the standalone:
- Unpack and start openmrs-standalone.jar. Choose the demo database.
- Go to http://localhost:8081/openmrs-standalone/admin/modules/module.list and upload a compiled omod, which you can find in
- Pick a ticket from the available tickets in the top-left of the sprint dashboard page (listed below). Make sure it does not depend on a ticket that is incomplete. If you have any questions about the ticket, ask on the group chat
- Create a local branch for your ticket (see also our HOWTO for git, use 'sprint-201302' instead of 'master')
- git checkout -b REPORT-123 sprint-201302
- git push origin REPORT-123
- Do the ticket.
- Stage changes: git add -i
- Commit: git commit -m "REPORT-123: ticket title"
- Push changes: git push -f
- Issue a pull request for the 'sprint-201302' branch (see github help) or if you have push rights: whatever works for you! If you don't like pull requests, don't send them. Commit and push directly to the upstream repo. If you do like pull requests, fork the repo and send pull requests, but merge them right after. My favorite way is to work on the repo, but create local branches (without pushing them to the repo). Merge branches locally to the sprint branch and push to the repo.
- If you push directly to the repo check if tests for the sprint branch in reporting are passing: (Favorite the branch to be notified about failures: Login into Bamboo, Choose Actions -> Favorite Branch)
- Join the daily scrum to share your updates
- ?Roger Friedman?
- ?Darius Jazayeri
- Rafal Korytkowski
- ?Wyclif Luyima
- ?Sateesh Kavuri
- ??Suranga Kasthurirathne
- Harsha Siriwardena
- ?Lluis Martinez
- ?Jeff Black
- ?Andrea Patterson
If not in balance in favor of success why and the action plan for remaining items
via IRC on the [#openmrs|IRC:Home] channel on freenode.