Navigate back to main page and click on “New Team” or either by using the “New Team” link in the menu. After clicking on “New Team”, you’ll be redirected to the page to add a new team.
Fill in the data and click on “Add”, you would see the success message in green right below the “Add Team” heading. Also, the page is ready to add another team too. You can go to team list to see the addition(s) by clicking “Show all Teams”, or either using the “Manage Team” link in the menu. You would see the added team in the list.
3.2 Editing and Voiding Team
To edit a team, click on the pencil button in “Edit” column (to edit a team’s name, identifier), “Current Supervisor” column (to transfer a team to another team supervisor), “Location” column (to change team’s location) and “Voided” column (to void the team) in the team list. The placement of button is shown below. You should click on the button corresponding to the team you want to edit.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Edit” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user change name and identifier of selected team.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Current Supervisor” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user change the supervisor of selected team.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Location” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user change the location of selected team.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Voided” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user void (delete) the selected team.
After editing the team, you would see the success message in green right below the “Teams” heading.
3.3 View Team History
To view a team history (logs), click on the button in “History” column in the team list. The placement of button is shown below. You should click on the button corresponding to the team's history you want to view.
4 Team Member
Navigate back to main page and click on “New Team Member” or either by using the “New Team Member” link in the menu. After clicking on “New Team Member”, you’ll be redirected to the page to add a new team member.
Fill in the data and click on “Add”, you would see the success message in green right below the “Add Team Member” heading. Also, the page is ready to add another team member too. You can go to team member list to see the addition(s) by clicking “Show all Team Members”, or either using the “Manage Team Member” link in the menu. You would see the added team member in the list.
4.2 Editing and Voiding Team Member
To edit a team member, click on the pencil button in “Edit” column (to edit a team member’s name, middle name, family name and identifier), “Role” column (to change a team member’s role assigned to it), “Team” column (to change a team member’s team assigned to it), “Location” column (to change team member’s locations), “Is Data Provider” column (to change whether team member is a data provider or not) and “Voided” column (to void the team member) in the team member list. The placement of button is shown below. You should click on the button corresponding to the team member you want to edit.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Edit” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user change name, middle name, family name and identifier of selected team member.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Role” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user change the team hierarchy (role) of selected team member.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Team” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user change the team of selected team member.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Location” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user change the locations of selected team member.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Is Data Provider” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user change whether the selected team member is a data provider or not.
- By clicking on the pencil button in “Voided” column, a form would be displayed, letting the user void (delete) the selected team member.
After editing the team member, you would see the success message in green right below the “Team Members” heading.
4.3 View Team Member History
To view a team member history (logs), click on the button in “History” column in the team member list. The placement of button is shown below. You should click on the button corresponding to the team member 's history you want to view.
5 Filter Option
The Team Management Module provides a search of team member by its name, identifier, team role, and team name, supervisor it is reporting to and by its location, for the easiness of the user to find the record in a huge list. When redirected to the team member list page, you would find a huge list of team members and it would be difficult to find a specific team member. So, for user’s feasibility, the users can use the filter option to search a member by name and id (identifier). Also, a team member can be searched by the team it is working in, what team role is assigned to it and whom it is reporting. See the image below for the placement of the filter option.
6 REST Calls
6.1 Team Role
6.1.1 URLs
URL | Description |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrole/{uuid} | Fetch the team role that matches the uuid |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrole?q={query}&v={full, default} | Fetch the team role that matches the parameter |
DELETE openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrole/{uuid} | Delete the team role that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrole/{uuid} | Edit the team role that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrole | Create a new team role |
6.1.2 Parameters
GET ‘default’ | GET ‘full’ |
display identifier uuid name voided voidReason ownsTeam reportTo reportByName members | display identifier name voided voidReason uuid ownsTeam reportTo reportByName members auditInfo resourceVersion |
6.2 Team Role Log
6.2.1 URLs
URL | Description |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrolelog/{uuid} | Fetch the team role log that matches the uuid |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrolelog?q={query}&v={full, default} | Fetch the team role log that matches the parameter |
DELETE openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrolelog/{uuid} | Delete the team role log that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrolelog/{uuid} | Edit the team role log that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamrolelog | Create a new team role |
6.2.2 Parameters
GET ‘default’ | GET ‘full’ |
display teamRole action dataNew dataOld uuid log | display teamRole action dataNew dataOld uuid log auditInfo resourceVersion |
6.3 Team
6.3.1 URLs
URL | Description |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/team/{uuid} | Fetch the team that matches the uuid |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/team?q={query}&v={full, default} | Fetch the team that matches the parameter |
DELETE openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/team/{uuid} | Delete the team that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/team/{uuid} | Edit the team that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/team | Create a new team |
6.3.2 Parameters
GET ‘default’ | GET ‘full’ |
display uuid teamName teamIdentifier supervisor supervisorUuid supervisorTeam supervisorTeamUuid supervisorIdentifier voided voidReason members location | display uuid teamName teamIdentifier supervisor supervisorUuid supervisorTeam supervisorTeamUuid supervisorIdentifier voided voidReason location members auditInfo resourceVersion |
6.3 Team Log
6.3.1 URLs
URL | Description |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamlog/{uuid} | Fetch the team log that matches the uuid |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamlog?q={query}&v={full, default} | Fetch the team log that matches the parameter |
DELETE openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamlog/{uuid} | Delete the team log that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamlog/{uuid} | Edit the team log that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teamlog | Create a new team log |
6.3.1 Parameters
GET ‘default’ | GET ‘full’ |
display team action dataNew dataOld uuid log | display team action dataNew dataOld uuid log auditInfo resourceVersion |
6.3 Team Member
6.3.1 URLs
URL | Description |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammember/{uuid} | Fetch the team member that matches the uuid |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammember?q={query}&v={full, default} | Fetch the team member that matches the parameter |
DELETE openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammember/{uuid} | Delete the team member that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammember/{uuid} | Edit the team member that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammember | Create a new team member |
6.3.1 Parameters
GET ‘default’ | GET ‘full’ |
uuid voided voidReason isDataProvider subTeams subTeamRoles person team teamRole locations patients | display identifier uuid voided voidReason isDataProvider subTeams subTeamRoles person team teamRole locations patients auditInfo resourceVersion |
6.3 Team Member Log
6.3.1 URLs
URL | Description |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammemberlog/{uuid} | Fetch the team member log that matches the uuid |
GET openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammemberlog?q={query}&v={full, default} | Fetch the team member log that matches the parameter |
DELETE openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammemberlog/{uuid} | Delete the team member log that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammemberlog/{uuid} | Edit the team member log that matches the uuid |
POST openmrs/ws/rest/v1/teammodule/team/teammemberlog | Create a new team member log |
6.3.1 Parameters