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Tutorials and Further Documentation

App Framework Step by Step Tutorial



App Template


Code Block
// comments provided for tutorial purposes, but they are NOT LEGAL in this file (per the JSON spec)
        "id": "coreapps.patientDashboard",        // unique id for this app, unique across all apps, typically starts with your module id
        "description": "Basic page summarizing patient's visits and demographics",        // plain text or a message code (not displayed to end-users)
        "extensionPoints": [        // defines where other apps can plug functionality into this app
                "id": "coreapps.patientDashboard.visitActions",        // unique id for this extension point, must be unique across all loaded apps
                "description": "coreapps.patientDashboard.extension.visits.description"        // plain text or message code (not displayed to end-users)
                "id": "coreapps.patientDashboard.overallActions",
                "description" : "coreapps.patientDashboard.extension.actions.description"
        "contextModel": [        // extensions may count on the app providing these values (dev documentation, not enforced by the framework)


Code Block
// comments provided for tutorial purposes, but they are NOT LEGAL in this file (per the JSON spec)
        "id": "coreapps.template.findPatient",        // unique across all app templates, typically starts with your module id
        "description": "Simple patient search by name and/or id",        // plain text or message code
        "contextModel": [        // extensions may count on apps with this template providing these values (dev documentation, not enforced by the framework)
        "configOptions": [        // apps that inherit from this template may override these or inherit the default values
                "name": "onSelectUrl",
                "description": "What url to go to after choosing a patient. Supports {{patientId}}",
                "defaultValue": "/coreapps/{{patientId}}"

Another module would instantiate this template in one of its *app.json files like this:

Code Block
// comments provided for tutorial purposes, but they are NOT LEGAL in this file (per the JSON spec)
        "id": "referenceapplication.quickSummary",        // unique app id, (independent of the template)
        "instanceOf": "coreapps.template.findPatient",        // unique id of the template to inherit
        "label": "Quick Patient Summary",        // text or message code
        "description": "Search for a patient by name and/or ID and see a patient summary",        // text or message code
        "extensions": [        // extensions that attach to extension points of _other_ apps
                "id": "referenceapplication.quickSummary.homepageLink",        // id for this extension, must be unique across all apps
                "extensionPointId": "org.openmrs.referenceapplication.homepageLink",
                "type": "link",
                "label": "",
                "url": "coreapps/",
                "icon": "icon-search",
                "order": 1,
                "requiredPrivilege": "App: referenceapplication.quickSummary"
        "config": {        // in this example we override this setting
            "onSelectUrl": "/somemodule/{{patientId}}"
