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title2015 GSoC Project Idea

This project is being considered as a potential project for Google Summer of Code 2015. If you are a potential intern and are interested in working on this project, please discuss it in detail with the mentor(s) listed here before submitting your internship proposal.

Primary mentorDarius Jazayeri
Backup mentor
Mike Seaton
GSoC student
Roman Zayats



Often a single organization (a government, an NGO, or a hospital with satellite clinics) wants to run local OpenMRS installations at many individual facilities. But the organization wants to avoid creating duplicate patient records when the same patient population shows up at those different facilities.


  • Good Java skills
  • Familiarity with J2EE web programming (e.g., JSPs)OpenMRS technologies (demonstrated by contributions to OpenMRS issues)
  • Familiarity with working with RESTful web services, or with PIX/PDQ messages.

Project Champions

  • TBD



  • Introduce an interface for sending newly-created patients to a remote server
  • Introduce an interface for sending data about edited patients to a remote server
  • Introduce an interface for sending data about merged patient records to a remote server
  • Implement these interfaces against our demonstration MPI solution

Extra credit

  • TBD

