To change properties, such as a daemons count and schedulers timeouts, we you should edit sorlconfig.xml file. First, find /csdataimport section.
After editing solrconfig.xml you should restart module to affect changes.
Migration to separate Solr
You can move to separate Solr server. Copy
Copy to Solr dist/ directory
1) chartsearch-server-VERSION.jar and super
2) super-csv-2.1.0.jar .
3) mysql-connector-java-5.1.8.jar
4) mysql-connector-mxj-5.0.jar to Solr dist folder..12.jar (in case of mxj connection)
Make sure you have solr-dataimporthandler-4.3.1.jar here.
Copy conf/ directory content to Solr conf/ folder.