Versions Compared


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Comment: Update link to go to OpenMRS Add-ons index instead





VersionReleasedRelease Notes

1.1 Notes

1.315-Dec-20141.3 Notes
1.413-Feb-20151.4 Notes
1.519-Mar-20151.5 Notes
1.6 - 2.029-Apr-20151.6 - 2.0 Notes
2.110-Dec-20152.1 Notes
2.2.112-Apr-20162.2.1 Notes
2.3.331-Aug-20162.3.3 Notes
2.4.002-Nov-20172.4.0 Notes



The Settings page also includes Reports that a user can select from pre-entered Jaspers Reports.

Module Administration

Before the OpenMRS 2.0 release, an OpenHMIS Inventory Module section appears at the far right corner of the home page after installation of the inventory module.


Below is a table showing all the inventory module management features and a brief description of what each is responsible for:

Inventory Role CreationAdd or remove the required privileges to use the inventory module to/from a role or create a new role with those privileges.
Manage ItemsAdd, edit, retire, and purge the items (that is, the products and services) that are used by your institution.  
Manage DepartmentsAdd, edit, retire, and purge the item departments.
Manage InstitutionsAdd, edit, retire, and purge the external institutions that item stock can be distributed to.
Manage Stockrooms

Add, edit, retire, and purge the stockrooms and view stockroom details.

Manage Operation TypesAdd, edit and retire the stock operation types.
Generate Item MappingsGenerate item to concept mappings.


When viewing a stock operation with item stock details that were automatically selected the details will not show the specific batch or expiration, instead they will be listed as (Auto).

Step By Step Setup

Once you understand the various concepts, then you need to setup the various components so as to get a working prototype.

Rest Web Services

First setup the rest web services URI as explained in the configurations description above.

Create an Inventory Number Generator (optional)

You need to have installed the idgen module in order to use this functionality.


On the OpenMRS Administration page, click on the Manage Identifier Types – Patients link:

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Then you will click on Add Patient Identifier Type link as shown:

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Add the Name, description (optional) and the Number format in this example (0123456789)

and the Save Identifier Type:

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After Saving the Identifier type above, you will get this page. Add Base Character set,

First Identifier set which will be the first operation number. Then add a prefix,

min and max length all optional and then Save

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Navigate to the Inventory Settings page where you will check the "Auto Generate

Operation Number" check box and then choose the Inventory Generator as seen shown.

Please remember to click Save Settings to effect changes.

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Create a department

Items from Pharmacy, those from Lab, Surgery and so on can be grouped under departments. So for example to create items from Pharmacy create a pharmacy department and then associate items to be created later under this department.

From Manage Inventory Module,

click on Manage Departments

Click on New DepartmentEnter a name and optional descriptionSave Changes
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Create Items

Create items and services.

From Manage Inventory Module,

click on Manage Items

Click on New Item

Item Name, Department, Price and

Default price are required

Save Changes
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Create a Stockroom

Below is how to create a stockroom:

From Manage Inventory Module,

click on Manage Stockroom

Click on New StockroomEnter a name and optional locationSave Changes
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Perform Inventory Operation

Now that you have created a department, item and stockroom, you are ready to start performing inventory stock operations.

Ideally the first stock operation should be a receipt or initial operation. This will put item stock that is a quantity and expiration to your item(s)

Click on Inventory TasksImage Added
Then Click on create operationImage Added

This is the Inventory operation page from which you'll change the Operation Type

stockroom and enter the line items

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Change the Operation Type to Initial and the Destination Stockroom to Main Pharmacy.

This means that you are creation an operation to be effected in Main Pharmacy for the

item that you will choose below

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Search for the line item in the Operation Items section then enter a quantity and

expiration for the item

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Then save the operationImage Added

Since the "Autocomplete Operation" check box in the inventory settings is off, then

the Status of the Operation is pending awaiting completion.

Click on the Operation in order to complete it

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Click on the Button on the Top right hand of the page and you will see a complete

operation button

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Click on Complete Operation to complete itImage Added
The status now changes to COMPLETEDImage Added


Inventory Dashboard

The Inventory Dashboard is the landing page to perform inventory-related activities. From this dashboard users can view and process their stock operations as well as create new stock operations. The dashboard is accessed from the Inventory link on the right side of the OpenMRS header. For the new version, the Inventory module is accessed from the home page using the Inventory application.
