- Evaluation & Impact Role Overview - Hamish presented a slide show
- System monitoring
- system uptime
- daily usage - forms, patient views, reports
- data completeness and quality
- user experience
- link between performance, usability, impact and costs
- System usability
- UI
- user testing and experience
- workflow
- assessment of high value deliverables
- access to lab data
- loss to follow up
- registration and IO management
- Q: How making the distinction between "evaluating the impact of OpenMRS implementations for care provision" and "evaluating the hard performance of OpenMRS" evaluating performance characterstics of OpenMRS?
- A: There is a little bit of overlap but these things need to be thought about by our group.
- clinical impact
- quality of care
- process variables
- delays in lab results
- delays in ording new labs
- delays in starting Rx
- outcome variables
- ....
- data use and reporting
- what are we using data for - clinical care, reporting, supply chain, research etc.?
- what tools are available?
- what are key areas of interoperability for better data use (inputs and outputs)?
- how do we make OMRS more easy to use and less of a black box for clinicians and researchers?
- programmatic impact
- reporting moh
- clinic management
- reporting to funders
- cost data and estimates of consumption
- drug supply forcasting
- economic evaluation
- initial costs of site set up
- longer term costs
- total cost of ownership
- relationship between different inputs and overall performance
- ethical issues
- impact evaluation is a key issue for publication and funders
- requires large and rigourius studies
- concerns of conflict of intrest if system
- ...
- lessons learned
- get ahead of issues not just repsond to problems eg. system down time in field
- discuss failures and lessons learned
- plan b, c, d, ...
- the "MS Acess Test" - our main competitor still?
- link to Evaluation & Impact Role wiki page - https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/RES/Evaluation+and+Impact+Lead+%28Title+TBD%29
- 2013 Goals
- Carry out a survey of OpenMRS implementations to assess their experience with and needs for evaluation studies
- Develop a guide to literature on eHealth systems that have shown clinical and programmatic impact in resource poor environments and how that evidence can be translated into better support for healthcare
- Organize a one day meeting on eHealth evaluation and OpenMRS likely around the annual symposium
- Identify 2 or more organizations that are committed to carrying out evaluation studies and provide advice and support where needed
- Lead a strategic discussion on reporting and data access from OpenMRS
- Lead development of tools for monitoring OpenMRS performance and use in the field along with a dashboard overview
- System monitoring
- Q&A:
- 2013 Theme
- get system recording and reporting in Rwanda
- getting better at reporting key site requirements
- understanding from tech perspective whether implementations are stable and what impact we have on that stability or lack of (adding this to lead bio on the wiki)
- data completeness - implementation side and supportive activities for the data on the technical side
- sub - community
- evaluation work - eg. martin were
- quality assurance types
- performance module in rwanda (funded)
- will be prioritize that omrs can evaluate behavior of live systems, aggragte and report back