This module works with OpenMRS 1.6.0 and above.
The globalproperty/setting releasetestinghelper.maxPatientCount controls the number of patients sent to the new system. The default is 100.
If you experience experience "java.sql.SQLException: Cannot convert value '0000-00-00 00:00:00' from column x to TIMESTAMP" you need to append &zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull to connection.url in openmrs-runtime.properties. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/782823/handling-datetime-values-0000-00-00-000000-in-jdbc
If you get this error message: "The process terminated abnormally while adding test data." You may need to increase the value for max_allowed_packet in the runtime properties file. If you are using the standalone, it already exists as server.max_allowed_packet. So you could start by doubling its current value, and then restart the test server to try again.
File feature requests and bug reports in the JIRA project for this module: RELTEST
A video recording of how to use this module: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71F7QfQ6PnY&list=UUO-SzHNz1WObfXECRJpnr8A&index=3&feature=plcp
Release Notes
- 1.2
- Increased speed when dumping test data.
- Made more fixes for BLOB data copying.
- Removed some unnecessary records from the test dataset, like archived form xsn.
- 1.1
- Fixed bug that prevented one from copying data which has invalid dates.
- Fixed bug where BLOB data was not properly copied.
- 1.0
- First official release.