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Release Date: Tuesday Wednesday September 22nd 23rd 2015 


This version of the OpenMRS Platform is not intended for use by implementations running reference application other than OpenMRS 2.2 and above, because it has several incompatible changes that will break some modules.


This release is "OpenMRS Platform 1.11.4" and is a maintenance release version of the under-the-hood OpenMRS API that follows 1.11.3. There some database changes between this version and 1.11.3 introduced in TRUNK-4727 and TRUNK-4743.


For the time being, we are in an awkward phase, where the legacy UI remains within the OpenMRS Platform and the new OpenMRS UI has not fully replaced the legacy UI. As a result, many implementations will continue to use the platform without the new web application and people will continue to be confused by the naming of "OpenMRS Platform". We are working hard to resolve this by OpenMRS 2.4, when implementations will be able to upgrade into the new application and the legacy UI can be retired from the platform.

To upgrade from a pre 1.10 version, you will certainly need to read Prepare for Upgrading From a Pre-1.10 to 1.10 or Later Version

Bug Fixes

Jira Legacy
serverOpenMRS JIRA
jqlQueryproject = TRUNK AND issuetype in (Bug) AND fixVersion = "Platform 1.11.4" AND status = Closed ORDER BY priority DESC


A huge thanks to the people that contributed code to this release including Xiang Li, Stefan Neuhaus, Judy Gichoya, Wesley Brown, Chethan A, Mark Goodrich, Michael Hofer, Alexei Grigoriev, Sam Dale, Imran Tatriev, Yousef Hamza, Paweł Muchowski, Daniel Kayiwa.

Not to mention all the people that contributed in countless other ways to support this release and be a great part of the shaping it including Burke Mamlin


, Darius Jazayeri, Wyclif Luyima, Rafal Korytkowski, Michael Downey and the whole infrastructure team!

We welcome any user to download OpenMRS 1.11.4 and try it out, give us feedback, and potentially bug reports on this release.

If you happen to run into any sort of obscure bugs, send a message via talk or create a new JIRA ticket (click upper right icon).


OpenMRS Platform 1.11.4 represents revision: 6ebcaf209951f1f48d511d905f9f8ca5c28efc2d

Download OpenMRS Platform 1.11.4

Bundled Modules