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Primary mentor

Backup mentor

N/AJuliet Wamalwa

Assigned to

N/ASaurabh Kumar


The goal of the Android client is to provide an alternative to access a hospital's OpenMRS instance by just using the provider's Android devices. See the full Android client guide for more info.


This year, we will work on making the Android client more extendable and implementing the offline first architecture in the app, the Android app must be extendable and easy for the implementers to deploy and implement by encapsulating common functionalities of the app using Jitpack library, so that the android client is properly utilized and really solves some heathcare problems. 


  1. Making the app easily extendable, i.e. Abstracting out common functionalities which almost all implementers would require into a jitpack library, for detailed information this Talk post might be useful which presents the problem which we want to solve by making the app more easily extendable for the implementers.
  2. Making Creating a small module ( lets say hello world module in android client using the jitpack library and document it.), Using the encapsulated library depicting clearly how to use that jitapack library from scratch, for e.g. the module could be anything like fetching the list of patients or providers.  
  3. Implementing a robust offline structure for the various functionalities of the app (which covers currently only the provider module).
  4. Make the app more stable and reduce crashes checking backward compatibility issues testing on lower API devices.
  5. Integrate more components of the web app to the client (to be discussed further).

Extra Credits

  1. additional Additional : Continue Migrating the remaining 80% codebase to kotlin.
  2. additional Additional : Start converting MVP pattern to MVVM as it follows the new standard guideline brought by Google.
  3. additional Additional : Re-design Home screen with a better UI.


  1. The features added or modified must be documented in the hosted at OpenMRS client user guide with the github repository here.
  2. Getting Started with openmrs-android-sdk - documentation created for openmrs-android-sdk introduction.

Detailed Project Report

Weekly Reports

Outstanding work 

  1. Integrating more modules into the client.
  2. UI overhaul (Need some work on the already opened PR here)

Final Presentation

  1. Talk post - Link
  2. Presentation Video - Link
