This guide walks a core developer through adding a new set of web service methods for a core object. It is a similar process for module developers, but for that setup, see Adding a Web Service Step by Step Guide for Module Developers (REST 1.x)
- In the package, create a new class that extends MetaDataDelegatingCrudResource<Location>.
- public class LocationResource implements MetaDataDelegatingCrudResource<Location>
- The MetaDataDelegatingCrudResource and DataDelegatingCrudResource class are helper classes for "data" and "metadata" OpenmrsObjects.
- The DelegatingCrudResource super class can be used for any other object type
- Its also possible to not have a resource class for some simple rest urls. See the SessionController class.
- public class LocationResource implements MetaDataDelegatingCrudResource<Location>
- Add @Resource("location") annotation to the class.
- This tells the framework to put the resource at uri location: /ws/rest/location/uuid
- By convention, resource names are all lower case.
- Add @Handler(supports = { Location.class }, order=0) annotation to the class.
- This allows the module to easily and automatically find our resource.
- The module can now look for "any Handler for class Location of type CrudResource" and use that for the json/xml translation
- The "order" element means this class has lowest precedence and can be overridden by a module-provided resource for Location
- Expose properties that are on the Location object through the resource:
- Create a method named "DelegatingResourceDescription getRepresentationDescription(Representation rep)"
- Switch on the "rep" argument (or use if/else)
- Create a DelegatingResourceDescription according to the rep, using addProperty for the properties that you need
- Tip: Use description.addProperty("auditInfo", findMethod("getAuditInfo")) for not creator/dateCreated/changedBy/dateChanged properties
- Tip2: the MetaDataDelegatingCrudResource class defines the "ref" representation for you.
- DO NOT add locationId to the getRepresentationDescription method. That is an internal number that should never be exposed over web services
- Adding a new property (fullAddress) that is not on the Location object (only done here as an example. is a better example)
- There is no Location.getFullAddress() method, so automatic translation of this into json/xml will fail in the webservices module.
- Add description.addProperty("fullAddress", findMethod("getFullAddress")) to the getRepresentationDescription method
- Add a method SimpleObject getFullAddress(Location location) on the LocationResource class.
- This method is called anytime a user requests to see the "fullAddress" property in the json/xml
- The implementation of the method can be anything using the Location object. Something like:
- return location.getAddress1() + " " + location.getAddress2() + " " + location.getCityVillage() + " " + location.getStateProvince()
- Add a newDelegate() method
- This is used by the parent class to know how to construct our object (our delegate)
- Add a save(Location location) method
- This is used by the parent class to know how to persist our object to the database. This is typically just Context.getSomeService().saveMyObject(object)
- Add a getByUniqueId(String s) method
- The parent class calls this for all getters. You should look up your object by uuid. If your object can also be looked up by a unique name, you can do that in this method as well as the uuid.
- This method is what allows your object to be a spring "Converter". So other WS methods can refer to your object by uuid/name as well
- DO NOT look up by primary key. Primary keys should not exposed over web services
- Add a purge(Location location, RequestContext context) method
- You can get the reason (if needed) out of the request context
- Add a doGetAll(RequestContext context)
- This should return a list of every location objects that is still valid (not retired)
- The context object has parameters like "limit", "maxresults", "start", etc
- Add doSearch(String query, RequestContext context)
- This should return a list of location objects with a fuzzy search on the query.
- The context object has parameters like "limit", "maxresults", "start", etc
- There is a helper class named ServiceSearcher that you can use to help with the paging, index, etc
- If you have a non-standard setter method:
- Sub resources (like patient name)