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To learn more about Angular, React, and jQuery, go to

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This section features dependencies needed to install and work on an OWA along with languages commonly used.


Link to see how to install and create an OWA: https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/docs/Open+Web+App+Development+Workflow#OpenWebAppDevelopmentWorkflow-2.InstalltheOpenWebAppsmodule

Editing an Existing OWA

  • Make sure to have NodeJS 4+ installed
  • Make code changes as necessary
  • Build steps
    • Install Gulp and Bower using the command `npm install -g gulp bower` for **first time users only**
    • Install dependencies using the command `npm install && bower install` for **first time users only**
    • Build using the command `gulp`
    • After running these commands a zip file will be created in the dist directory, which should be uploaded to OpenMRS Open Web Apps module
