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Add a link to the Releasing a Module from Bamboo page in the plan config. For example, 'More details of the release in https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/i4DTAwMi9YAQ'
2.2) Repositories tab, 'Git' repository
If your module doesn't have any test cases, then Goto Configuration → Tasks → Maven 3 X. Then clear the selection of the "The build will produce test results". Otherwise you might get the build failures.
2.7) Refapp distro release tasks
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1) Add a link to the Releasing a Module from Bamboo page in the plan configFor example, 'More details of the release in https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/i4DTAwMi9YAQ' 2) Create the plan variables:
3) In the plan configuration, add 'Release scripts' as the second repository:This repository contains some scripts to execute the release. 4) Remove the polling trigger of the 'Release scripts' repository5) Create a manual stage for the release:6) Create the job for that stageYou can use Release module - Release to maven job as a reference. 6.1) Checkout task:6.2) Release prepare/performExecute the release bash script from If your build requires JDK 8, make sure to add JAVA_HOME=${bamboo.capability.system.jdk.openjdk-8-jdk} to the environment variables. 6.3) Retrieve from the pom file what will be the next releaseSave next version in the plan. 6.4) Retrieve the snapshot version to use in the next taskOnly if this module is part of the refapp distro 6.5) Update version in the distroOnly if this module is part of the refapp distro Execute the distro update bash script from
If you do not have access to bamboo, ask OpenMRS Help Desk.