Auibutton |
icon | info |
title | E2E Frontend Test Steps |
type | primary |
url | https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/docs/QA+Framework+Overview%3A+Steps+to+Take+when+writing+a+Frontend+Test |
target | true |
Auibutton |
icon | help |
title | Detailed E2E Test Dev Guide |
type | primary |
url | https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=23527729722570765 |
target | true |
QA Support Team meeting details & notes at om.rs/qanotes
Our E2E Test Process
We apply a Workflow-based Approach to E2E tests. This allows us to have happy-path smoke tests grouped by workflows, which test from a user’s perspective. These We do this because: