- Create Your Feature File
- Create a Feature File folder for the test you need. This Feature File will contain the Gherkin steps you write next): qaframework/tree/master/src/test/resources/features Look around the other folders for example ocl-client, refapp2.x and refapp3.x(microfrontends). Make sure your Feature File is in a folder structure that makes logical sense so it will be easy for someone else to find this in the future.
- Write out the steps in Gherkin Syntax and add these to the Feature File in the correct location here
- Guidance here: https://cucumber.io/docs/gherkin/reference/ (steps in the feature file should be in the Gherkin BDD language, using "Given" "When") and more detailed guidance here: https://automationpanda.com/2017/01/30/bdd-101-writing-good-gherkin/
- Example 1: RefApp 2.x Login Test written in Gherkin syntax
- Example 2: Using Gherkin with a Cypress test
- Automate these Steps with Cypress
- Define where you're writing the Automation steps (e.g. Example])