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-- ========================================================== -- List concepts with multiple preferred names in same locale -- ========================================================== SELECT cn1.concept_id, locale, name, locale_preferred FROM concept_name cn1 WHERE locale_preferred AND NOT voided AND EXISTS (SELECT COUNT(*) as n, cn2.concept_id, locale, name, locale_preferred FROM concept_name cn2 WHERE cn2.concept_id = cn1.concept_id AND cn2.locale = cn1.locale AND locale_preferred AND NOT voided GROUP BY cn2.concept_id, locale HAVING n > 1) ORDER BY cn1.concept_id, locale, name; -- ======================================================================== -- List concepts with duplicate name in same locale (excluding short names) -- ======================================================================== SELECT cn.concept_id, localecn.name, namecn.locale FROM concept_name cn1cn WHEREINNER EXISTSJOIN ( SELECT COUNT(*) as n,SELECT concept_id, name, locale FROM concept_name cn2 WHERE cn2.concept_name_type !=<> 'SHORT' AND NOT AND cn2.concept_id = cn1.voided GROUP BY concept_id, name, locale AND cn2.name = cn1.name HAVING AND cn2.locale = cn1.locale AND NOT cn2.voided GROUP BY cn2.concept_id, cn2.name, cn2.locale HAVING n > 1) ORDER BY concept_id, locale, nameCOUNT(*) > 1 ) AS subquery ON cn.concept_id = subquery.concept_id AND cn.name = subquery.name AND cn.locale = subquery.locale WHERE cn.concept_name_type <> 'SHORT' AND NOT cn.voided; -- ============================================================== -- List concepts with more than one short name in the same locale -- ============================================================== SELECT concept_id, locale, name, concept_name_type FROM concept_name cn1 WHERE concept_name_type = 'SHORT' AND EXISTS ( SELECT COUNT(*) as n, concept_id, locale FROM concept_name cn2 WHERE cn2.concept_name_type = cn1.concept_name_type AND cn2.concept_id = cn1.concept_id AND cn2.locale = cn1.locale AND NOT cn2.voided GROUP BY cn2.concept_id, cn2.locale HAVING n > 1) ORDER BY concept_id, locale, name; -- ========================================================== -- List any concept with short name marked as local preferred -- ========================================================== SELECT concept_id, name, locale, locale_preferred FROM concept_name WHERE concept_name_type = 'SHORT' AND locale_preferred AND NOT voided ORDER BY concept_id, locale; -- ====================================================================== -- List any concept with more than one fully specified name in any locale -- ====================================================================== SELECT concept_id, locale, name, concept_name_type FROM concept_name cn1 WHERE concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND EXISTS ( SELECT COUNT(*) as n, concept_id, locale FROM concept_name cn2 WHERE cn2.concept_name_type = cn1.concept_name_type AND cn2.concept_id = cn1.concept_id AND cn2.locale = cn1.locale AND NOT cn2.voided GROUP BY cn2.concept_id, cn2.locale HAVING n > 1) ORDER BY concept_id, locale, name; -- ======================================================================= -- List any concepts that do not have a fully specified name in any locale -- ======================================================================= SELECT DISTINCT concept_id FROM concept_name cn1 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT null FROM concept_name cn2 WHERE cn2.concept_id = cn1.concept_id AND concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND NOT cn2.voided) GROUP BY concept_id ORDER BY concept_id; -- ============================= -- List invalid values name type -- ============================= SELECT concept_id, name, concept_name_type FROM concept_name WHERE concept_name_type NOT IN ('FULLY_SPECIFIED', 'INDEX_TERM', 'SHORT') AND NOT voided ORDER BY concept_name_type; -- ========================================= -- List invalid/unexpected values for locale -- ========================================= SELECT concept_id, name, locale FROM concept_name WHERE locale NOT IN ( 'am', 'ar', 'bn', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'ht', 'id', 'it', 'km', 'nl', 'om', 'pt', 'ru', 'rw', 'sw', 'ti', 'ur', 'vi') AND NOT voided ORDER BY locale; -- =============================================================================== -- List any duplicated fully specified names (ignoring short names and index term) -- =============================================================================== -- Create indexed table of unvoided names of unretired concepts -- with lowercase name for faster case-insensitive name comparisons -- (avoid temporary table in MySQL 5.6 - https://bit.ly/MySQL5-6temp) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS concept_name_lower; CREATE TABLE concept_name_lower ( concept_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, locale varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '', locale_preferred tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, name varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '', concept_name_type varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL, lname varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL, INDEX (concept_id), INDEX (locale), INDEX (lname), INDEX (name), INDEX (concept_name_type) ) SELECT cn.concept_id, locale, locale_preferred, name, concept_name_type, LOWER(name) AS lname FROM concept_name cn JOIN concept c ON c.concept_id = cn.concept_id WHERE NOT voided AND NOT retired; -- List any duplicated fully specified names (ignoring short names and index terms) SELECT cn1.concept_id, cn1.locale, cn1.locale_preferred, cn1.name, cn1.concept_name_type FROM concept_name_lower cn1 JOIN ( SELECT cn2.lname, cn2.locale FROM concept_name_lower cn2 WHERE ( cn2.concept_name_type IS NULL AND cn2.locale_preferred ) OR cn2.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' GROUP BY cn2.lname, cn2.locale HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) dup ON dup.lname = cn1.lname AND dup.locale = cn1.locale WHERE cn1.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' OR EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM concept_name_lower cn3 WHERE cn3.lname = cn1.lname AND cn3.locale = cn1.locale AND cn3.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' ) ORDER BY cn1.name, cn1.locale; -- Clean up DROP TABLE concept_name_lower; -- ========================================================== -- List any duplicated preferred names within the same locale -- ========================================================== -- Create indexed table of unvoided preferred names of unretired concepts -- with lowercase name for faster case-insensitive name comparisons -- (avoid temporary table in MySQL 5.6 - https://bit.ly/MySQL5-6temp) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS concept_name_preferred_lower; CREATE TABLE concept_name_preferred_lower ( concept_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, locale varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '', name varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '', lname varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL, INDEX (concept_id), INDEX (locale), INDEX (lname), INDEX (name) ) SELECT cn.concept_id, locale, name, LOWER(name) AS lname FROM concept_name cn JOIN concept c ON c.concept_id = cn.concept_id WHERE locale_preferred AND NOT voided AND NOT retired; -- List any duplicated preferred names within the same locale SELECT cn1.concept_id, cn1.locale, cn1.name FROM concept_name_preferred_lower cn1 JOIN ( SELECT cn2.lname, cn2.locale FROM concept_name_preferred_lower cn2 GROUP BY cn2.lname, cn2.locale HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) AS duplicates ON cn1.lname = duplicates.lname AND cn1.locale = duplicates.locale ORDER BY cn1.name, cn1.locale, cn1.concept_id; -- Clean up DROP TABLE concept_name_preferred_lower; -- =============================================================== -- List any concepts with UUID that is not 36 characters in length -- =============================================================== SELECT concept_id, uuid FROM concept WHERE length(uuid) != 36 AND NOT retired ORDER BY concept_id; -- ============================================================================= -- List any duplicate mappings (same concept mapped to same code more than once) -- ============================================================================= SELECT m1.concept_map_id, m1.concept_id, (SELECT name FROM concept_name n WHERE n.concept_id=m1.concept_id AND locale='en' AND locale_preferred) as name, (SELECT name FROM concept_map_type t WHERE t.concept_map_type_id = m1.concept_map_type_id) as type, (SELECT name FROM concept_reference_source WHERE concept_source_id = r1.concept_source_id) as source, r1.code FROM concept_reference_map m1 INNER JOIN concept_reference_map m2 ON m1.concept_id = m2.concept_id LEFT OUTER JOIN concept_reference_term r1 ON r1.concept_reference_term_id = m1.concept_reference_term_id LEFT OUTER JOIN concept_reference_term r2 ON r2.concept_reference_term_id = m2.concept_reference_term_id WHERE m1.concept_map_id != m2.concept_map_id AND r1.concept_source_id = r2.concept_source_id AND r1.code = r2.code ORDER BY m1.concept_id, r1.code, type; 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