- Don't create boolean concepts for things like "Cough for last 3 weeks" = Yes/No. Instead have Symptom Present (coded), Symptom Absent (coded), and "Cough for last 3 weeks" (as an answer)
Consider importing concepts (e.g. from CIEL/MVP) when suitable <https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/ww4JAgywRYAQ>
Design for Re-use
Well-designed concepts can be used in several different contexts (e.g., multiple, different forms).
Additional information
- The MVP-CIEL concept dictionary is a valuable resource (either as a starting dictionary or to look for best practices)
- Handling Missing Information is a guide for designing better forms and concepts so as to avoid missing information.
- Notes or recording from the 2012-Sep-12 OpenMRS University forum, where concept management experts discussed best practices.