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Step by step setup walk through for Linux Developer Installation
Notice that the step named Build Maven Project below also works on Windows 7 / 64.
Install: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Download: eclipse-jee-juno-linux-gtk.tar.gz (May need to select alter for latest file or architecture at
Open terminal and navigate to your download folder
su – or prefix all commands with sudo
Extract files
tar -xvzf eclipse-jee-juno-linux-gtk.tar.gz -C /opt (varies by downloaded file name)
Add read permissions to all files
chmod -R +r /opt/eclipse
Create Eclipse executable on /usr/bin path
touch /usr/bin/eclipse
chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse
Open eclipse file with your favorite editor
nano -w /usr/bin/eclipse
(or graphically)
gksu -u root gedit /usr/bin/eclipse
Paste following content to file
export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
Create Gnome desktop launcher
## Create following file, with your favorite editor ##
( graphically)
gksu -u root gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
## Add following content to file and save ##
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse SDK 3.6.1
2. Make sure JDK is installed*
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
3. Make sure mysql-server is installed (Required for OpenMRS Database)*
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
*** NOTE: You will be prompted to create a database password, do not forget this as you need it later on!!!
Configure Eclipse and Plugins
Launch Eclipse EE and create a new workspace (Applications -> Programming -> Eclipse)
See How to install Eclipse plugins sections here
Check out Source Code from repository
** NOTE ** You might need to click on the workspace icon in the top right of Eclipse main panel to get into the Java perspective.
See how to check out a maven project from a Git
repository here
Install OpenMRS
In the project explorer panel, right click on the project which has been created and navigate to “Run as → Maven Install” (this may take some time to complete)
Build Maven Project
**Review console notifications to makes sure Maven installation was successful.
Expand the project and navigate to the “webapp” folder. Right click and select “ Run As -Maven Build”
In the “Goals” text field enter: “jetty:run” which will start the java application server locally.
In the JRE tab, put in the following VM arguments: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
Press the Run button
Configure OpenMRS Installation for the first time
Once the jetty application server is running (via Maven Build, last step), point your browser to on the “Advanced” installation option and press continue.
Follow these configuration instructions. ## ** NOTE this is where you will need the mysql database password from before
You should now be able to login to OpenMRS via
Default Login Details for your Locally hosted OpenMRS
Username : admin
Password : either "Admin123" or "test"
End Notes
When making most code modifications, you need to complete a Maven Install. You may cut down on compile time by skipping OpenMRS tests if desired. This can be done by creating a new run configuration for the project and typing into the “Goals” textfield the word “install”, and checking the checkbox which says “skip tests”.