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This section will help you with upgrading OpenMRS. These are the instructions for manually upgrading OpenMRS.


The standalone package contains mysql, tomcat, and openmrs. You simply need to copy the old database to your new unzipped standalone folder and let openmrs ugprade it.

  1. Download/unzip new standalone version

  2. Copy the "database/data" folder from old standalone to new, overwriting the new completely

  3. Stop the old standalone

  4. Start the new standalone

  5. Upon visiting openmrs now, you will see a Maintenance wizard as in "Step 6 - Approve database updates" above. Click update.


  1. For upgrading to OpenMRS 1.9, there is an OpenMRS University notes about this that you should check out

  2. Use the Validation Module before upgrading to check that all of your data is going to work on OpenMRS 1.9