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OMRS16 Review (outcomes, action items, Q&A)
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OpenMRS Developers Forum 12-15-2016
Burke Mamlin
Jamie Thomas
Daniel Kayiwa
Darius Jazayeri
OMRS16 Review (outcomes, action items, Q&A)
- Wyclif having a meeting up with Daniel and others for Uganda EMR next week
- DK - felt there were technical challenges for resource constrained environments trying to implement - need to identify those from notes from every session
- variable note taking for sessions due to connectivity
- Stephen will be asking various implementations what are your most pressing needs and helping to create this list
- DJ - found sessions to be too short and compressed
- DJ - how do you pull together OpenMRS implementations, assume for reporting - data usage
- BM - heard that many want help with DHIS2 integration
- DJ - need for us to reorganize our project management to get more informaiton from projects. Jamie and I made a spreadsheet to keep a list to review these different projects on some sort of regular basis on PM calls
- BM - would like to be able to cateigorize these projects to tie them together so its not just about reporting
- BM - server monitoring session learned that PIH had mad a server module, need to try and make module repositor easier to use
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)