Current Deployment Plans
Reference Application
Trigger : any commit to openmrs-distro-referenceapplication or openmrs-standalone
Package refapp : Zip together WAR file and OMODs that are part of the Reference Application and create a deployable Deb package from it
deploy package to automated functional test server (devtest01)
Run UI tests
deploy package to manual test server (devtest02)
Goals for 2016
Improved CD processes & deployment plans
A plan for OpenMRS Platform needs to be created, and when it is triggered, it will:
Deploy to int01/int-platform automatically.
Run rest-based tests on int01/int-platform
If they pass, deploy automatically to qa01/qa-platform.
Allow manual deployment to demo server and uat01/uat-platform
When Reference Application is triggered, it will:
Deploy to int02/int-refapp automatically.
Run end-to-end tests on int02/int-refapp
If they pass, deploy automatically to qa02/qa-refapp
Allow manual deployment to uat02/uat-refapp
OpenStack based environment for managing vm’s and cloud resources.
Good for both “full time” (server) and transient/ephemeral type (dev testing) use cases.
Slated to supplement and/or replace our XSEDE infrastructure. Launching March 2016.
Led by Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute (IU-PTI)
Fastly CDN
We are working to get OpenMRS Inc. approval for a global content delivery network (CDN) for OpenMRS.org to speed up our page performance times.
Pending contract signatures (September 2015) for Fastly donation to OpenMRS Inc.
ID Dashboard
GSoC project : Overhaul the User Management dashboard for ID Dashboard
Miscellaneous Small Projects
Evaluation of Discourse hosting: Currently in discussions with the Discourse core team’s hosting business to see if they might bring us into their enterprise environment.
CI/CD Evaluation: Reviewing tool selection. Starting a pilot of Jenkins for more robust CI infrastructure. Testers welcome on http://jenkins.openmrs.org/!
Wiki Evaluation: Reviewing tool selection; will be looking at alternatives.