This extension points are part of the App Framework Module. For comprehensive background, see App Framework Developer Documentation.
To add a link to one of the extensions points, you would register an Extension with type=link that describes the link you want to add. In your module, you would create a .. extension.json file like
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[ { "id": "yourmoduleid.some-unique-id", "extensionPointId": "patientDashboard.visitActions", "type": "link", "label": "Link Text or yourmoduleid.message.code", "url": "yourmoduleid/somepage.page?patientId={{patient.uuid}}&visitId={{visit.uuid}}", "icon": "icon-plus", "order": 20, // a lower number is earlier "requiredPrivilege": "Some required privilege like 'Task: coreapps.createVisit'", "require": "visit.active" // if you also want this to show up for past visits in the Visit Dashboard, omit this } ] |
See also Conditionally displaying Apps and Extensions, if you only want the link displayed depending on some conditions.
Real-life examples:
- General Action in the Chart Search module
- Active Visit Action in the Reference Application module