- Add an form input field for email when creating users.
- Add form input fields for requesting password reset that can take either username or email.
- Monitor for the presence of password reset token in the request for the form that resets password.
- Add an input field to accept only new password.
- Provide customise feedback message.
Installing and Using OpenMRS Password Reset Open WebApp
- https://postmarkapp.com/guides/password-reset-email-best-practices
- UI to Reset Password via Email Project
- Installing and Using OpenMRS Password Reset Open WebApp
- https://talk.openmrs.org/t/gsoc-2019-openmrs-password-reset-ui-final-presentation/24441
- https://talk.openmrs.org/t/gsoc-2019-ui-for-reset-password-via-email-project/22064/32
- https://talk.openmrs.org/t/gsoc-2019-ui-for-reset-password-via-email-project/23117/30
- other references