The goal of this project is to advance the features and capabilities of Modulus in support of the broader OpenMRS Community. Our vision is that any developer who wants to share a module can do so and any implementer in search of a module will be able to get their questions answered and easily download the module(s) they need.
To set up a development environment for OpenMRS Modules, consult the Readmes for Modulus and Modulus UI on GitHub. Additionally, an install guide has be written that details setting up both Modulus and Modulus UI, and obtaining OAuth credentials from OpenMRS ID.
Road Map
- Name
- Description
- Author/owner
- Support level
- Support information (info on how to get support for a given module)
- Links to source, documentation
- Version Compatibility -- OpenMRS (of course)
- Module ID
- Works with legacy OpenMRS installs (install from application)
- from Manage Modules page,
- check for updates
- install updated version
- search / add new module from repo
- from Manage Modules page,
- Access old/previous versions
- 2014-02-27 Regenstrief Global Health Informatics Work-in-Progress meeting slides from Elliott's talk
- 2014-03-27 Developers Forum introducing "Module Repository 2.0"