This documentation will guide you how to Submit Feedback in the new version of General Feedback Module.
Just for example suppose you got an unnatural problem while creating with a new patient? Thats weird! You have no idea what you have to do. So you can submit the error as a feedback to the OpenMRS system.
In our new version of feedback module the user can send the feedback for a particular another person rather than sending it to Admin. in case if there more related one for that problem, site engineer yeah may be!
Okay lets start filling our feedback form! In our new System we have separated the form to a step by step wizard.
STEP 1 - Brief information about the feedback : mentioning Subject, Severity level and Receiver
STEP 2 : User can describe the problem or feedback
STEP 3 : User can paste the Server log or error stack trace if available
STEP 4 : Capture the Screen shot plus edit within the Web browser - Highlight/Blackout
If your feedback is something related to a problem occurred when using OpenMRS, then you might to need to attach the screen shot of that error prone page, so previously you had to take a screenshot of the screen and edit if there sensitive data on that image using Image editing tool, and then you upload it to the feedback form, well in this new release of feedback module you have just need to do nothing of those annoying steps.
In this step you can are ready to highlight or blackout your screenshot as needed.
If you need to highlight you can just hit the "highlight" button then the wizard will automatically disappear and you will able to highlight the places as you needed. You can just drag any place you need to highlight, if you want to remove some highlighted places you just need to do is click on them, then those white boxes will disappear from the snapshot.
After doing all the highlight markings you need to click the submit feedback button again, then it will pop up the wizard again at your current step.
Now you can blackout if you have some sensitive data might need to hide, So go ahead and do them as you like.. The finctionality is same as the highlight you can use mouse to blackout, need to remove some blacout? then just click over them, it will disappear
Okay now we highlight and blacked out some sections in our snapshot, so ready to go ahead, if you need to go back or highlight/black out another one you still have the chance to do it. After all done hit Next
STEP 5 : Preview of the Rendered screenshot, plus attachments if any
In this step you will see the rendered screen shot image after all your editions. this step might take a moment to render the image and preview.
If you would like to see the full image, just click on that Image, You will able to see the fully rendered image on a new Tab.
Sometime you may got some important attachments like Server logs, images or other resources which can be helpful to prove your feedback, so you can add them here.
STEP 6 : Final Summary of the Feedback and Submission.
Okay, now you saw the final preview of the edited screenshot, attached docs if you had, now its the time to submit. In this step you will see the Summary of your Feedback. Take a moment and recheck if all are okay. After then you can submit your Feedback form. Thats a cool way of Feed-backing.. heh, isnt it ?